Just got my new 92FS and took it to the range


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Hello friends!

I had 92FS I picked up used years ago and despite really enjoying the gun I wound up trading it off. The thinking at the time was that I could always get another one later. Well, that day finally came and I picked up a brand new 92FS! I selected a regular Italian 92FS with the 15rd standard magazines, truly the most standard 92FS possible. The black composite grips it came with seemed perfectly functional but I think the natural rosewood grips I chose are a much more handsome complement to this Italian beauty.

I love the open slide and lately I've really started to favor fixed-sight weapons so I really like that too. Here's a photo of the 92FS next to my GP100 from my range trip this afternoon:


I was firing Blazer Brass 124gr 9mm rounds and this target shows my first magazine (which was aimed at the center target) at 10 yards, and then my second magazine slow-fired in single action mode aimed at the 7 from the 7-ring just below the "neck" of the target. Those three holes are a full 15 rounds! I think I accidentally started aiming at my first hole instead of the 7 and that's why I have a second pattern on the same string. I guess it shoots a little bit high to the right but that's okay, I'll drift the rear sight ever so slightly and just be aware of the small elevation compensation that is necessary.


And then here is one last target firing two magazines somewhat rapidly. I had about 2-3 seconds per shot for my cadence and I had the DA trigger for the first shot of each magazine (I did not do a speed reload drill and instead simply started firing from hammer-down on each magazine)


I must say I am glad I have another Beretta and I am extremely pleased with the accuracy and function of this weapon. I got through 150 rounds without a single malfunction. The gun came pretty wet from the factory so I felt confident firing it straight out of the box, and what you're seeing are the results. Really can't say enough good things about Beretta at the moment, and I just love how those nice dark natural rosewood grips look against the bruniton finish!

wild cat mccane

New member
Unfluted GP100-I personally don't care for the looks of the GP100 (or the trigger on the few I've owned). However, credit for the unique run.


New member
I just picked up a 92FS last week and put 200 rounds through it immediately. Great gun - my first DA/SA and I really like it so far. I just ordered a few 17 round factory mags, hoping to take the gun to the range again once they come in the mail.


New member
@Ohio Guy: would you believe it's barely big enough for me? If I don't wear gloves to slightly fatten my palms I sometimes run my trigger finger into my thumbs on trigger pulls, messing up my shots. I've got disproportionately long fingers.

@adam: I just love picking up a gun that's accurate and reliable right out of the box from the factory. It's what I hope for in every gun I purchase and the 92fs is a total success in that regard.

Thanks for the kind words regarding my grips and the Gp100. I really like that unfluted cylinder.


New member
Congrats. The big Berettas are some of my favorite guns for both shooting and for looks. The grips are sharp looking, too.


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Life is just too short for oogly guns. Very nice grips.
Also, nice grain on the grips of that GP100. Is that


New member
Yeah it sure is- it's "Finer" grade oak from Hogue. There was an unfluted run from TALO that came with the grips too, and all i had to do was add some firesights and I was in business. I like light grips on my stainless and dark grips on my blued/ parkerized / black guns. Oak or rosewood are certainly my preferred, although I got a deal on some goncalo alves which ride on my SP101 and they're decent too. Luckily for me the grooves fit my hand pretty good, although I'd usually prefer not to have grooves and instead rely on checkering as grooves are very hit or miss. Maybe I'll post a thread in the revolvers section next trip I take, I sure do love my revolvers as well.

Back to the 92fs for a minute- does anyone have a line on cheap 15rd factory mags, or should I just suck it up at $30/mag on midway?


Very interesting. Many do not have good things to say about the Berettas, siting ergonomics, size, and long-term maintenance as marks against the pistol.

I really don't get it and think they are among the most comfortable and for sure better looking pistols I've owned and fired. I have an M9 and a 92A1 and like them a great deal.


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Thanks for the tip Bart. I kinda like the classic aspect of the 15rd parkerized beretta factory mags more though. I mostly got this 92FS because it's such an iconic weapon and I guess I just think the "standard" magazines are part of that classic cachet. I might consider that if I don't find a decent deal here sooner or later though.

The 92 pattern seems to be on a lot of peoples minds lately judging by how many threads I'm seeing around about them. Maybe it's because it just got cycled out for the P320 (which is why I wanted one)

And Model12 I'm a lucky guy when it comes to the guns many consider too large. I have very large hands and exceptionally long fingers. Long pulls on big guns like the 92FS actually work great for me. I can't really work pocket guns very well and have really awkward trigger pulls on them though so it's all tradeoffs I guess.


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I 2nd the mec-gar 18's.. they are "THE" mag to get.. quality built, holds a mighty 18 rounds.

I wont' buy anything else for my 92's


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I need to pick up another Beretta. I found a used (excellent shape and new springs) Centurion model that my son has permanently borrowed. The problem after 25+years of service, I have several holsters, magazines, and other accessories...and no pistol. I need to start looking for another deal:D

The Beretta 92F series aren't may favorite, but I have nothing but compliments for a handgun that has served me well. Sure, it's bigger than most and I don't care for the type/location of the safety mechanism. Still, it's pretty accurate, has always been reliable for me, and just simply works.



New member
The 92FS is one of the most naturally easy to shoot pistols I've ever used, up there with my Hi Power and P7. Being very sexy and iconic doesn't hurt either. And I prefer the Italian version, even if only for sentimental reasons. It's certainly at least the equal of the standard US versions.