Just got an old Dillon RL-450


New member
I've used a single stage RCBS Rockchucker for a couple of decades, but heck, it's 150 miles away, and some guy at the local range GAVE me a Dillon RL-450 progressive press with all the attendent powder and primerfeed bells &whistles and Dies (RCBS Carbide) for .45ACP, .357/38spl and .44Mag. :D Shellplates for all of the above too, along with expander/powderdrop thingys
for each caliber.

HELP!!! :eek: :rolleyes:
I'm old and scarred enough to know that there's nomsuch thing as 'Free' and this thing looks like a $hole! I _Know_ I'll be calling Dillon for an instruction tape for this model, if they still have it, paperwork on the original purchase papers is dated 1984.
I load a lot of rifle calibers, so shellplates, powder thingys and the attendent bells & whistles are going to be orderd.;) Alredy got the dies.

Meanwhile, I'll install the press and set up for .45ACP just to get used to the setup and what looks like a _lot_ of adjustments ( the 'package' came with a full set of hex wrenches and a half expeded tube of lok-tite.

Never delt with a progressive press, this thing looks like it's got more adjustments than a Cadillac carburator, help is urgently requested...before I start...Yes, I'm reading the instructions!

;) :)


New member
I believe that Dillon will swap you a 550 for like $100. That is what I would do. You will get a brand new press out of it.


New member
Crimper, I'm still using a RL-450 to load some things on. It is a great first progressive. Dillon should be able to set you up with an owner's manual which is all you really need. Try it, you will like it. :D


New member
Called Dillon

Their Owners Manual (and their Catalog) are in the mail.
Should be interesting...meanwhile I'll try a setup with .45ACP, since I have a bucket of brass and enough components to do a trial run just to see what kind of tweaking this thing will take:)

Never boreing is it?;)

Thanks for the comments........:cool:


New member

HankL is right on the money about the Dillon 450. I have had one since it came out and use it as a dedicated .45acp reloader. Has always worked well for me. Quantrill


New member
Another option...

The difference between that RL-450's frame and the newer RL-550 is the removable toolhead. If that doesn't mean much to you, then the RL-450 is quite useable and can be easily upgraded to auto-priming using the same parts as the RL-550. I was given a RL-450 and had Dillon go through it, keeping the same frame but upgrading it to RL-550 standards, save for the removable toolhead option. Not a bad progressive press by any stretch of the imagination!:D


New member
I currently have a Dillon XL650 that I use for the calibers that I reload in quantity.

I have had an old RL450 since they first came out. I've still got it and I still use it. I use it for the calibers that I don't reload often.

That old 450 was my first progeassive, and I still love it! I upgraded to auto powder drop and auto priming. Changing out dies is no big deal. Keep the 450, and spend the money you would pay for trading it in on components.

With a 450, you're going to have a real problem keeping enough components on hand!


New member
Don't expect much..

from the operator's manual. Dillon's manuals are anywhere between bad and terrible. I have a 450 that I bought a year ago. Leftover from a guy that never used it. The manual refers to their nomenclature but it takes a while to figure out what the heck they're refering to and they should use a whole lot more pictures and drawings.

The new manuals refer to the 550. There's quite a bit of difference.

I would STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommend that you start loading one case at a time and run it thru all the steps. Do this with at least 20 or so cases. Do this EVERY time you change calibers or loads.

There's WAY too much crap to adjust and remember trying to load with all 4 stations full.

And just because it's a progressive, don't try to set production records.

And, when the guys say upgrade to a 550, that's the voice of experience. I had a crap original powder measure. I got a 550 type with the case activation and automatic linkage. That alone makes it a totally different machine.

Word of warning...changing the powder measure means that you'll have to change the powder funnels also. You're right..nothing is "free" and anything blue is EXPENSIVE, but once you get it set up it works great.