Just got a Win 1300 Camp Defender, need advice


New member
I just picked up a new camp defender last Saturday for $260. It was on sale and seemed like a good deal.

I'm not to knowledged in shotguns so here's a couple of questions.

What type slug will be the most accurate out of this gun? It's a straight 22" barrel with an improved cylinder choke.

Are there any tips or factors I need to know about this gun in regards to maintenance and shooting?

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
All slugs work, but it's impossible to predict which one will group best from a particular shotgun. Bench test and see which one works for you, then buy lots of same.

Keep it clean, exercise it regularly, enjoy....


New member
Are rifled slugs intended for rifled barrels? Will the inprove accuracy out of a straight barrel?

What are the differences between a sabbot and a rifled slug (besides the obvious).


New member
Rifled slugs are for smooth bores. Sabot slugs are for rilfed barrels. Too simple eh? :)

It is my under standing that you can use both slugs in either barrel, but sabots in a smooth bore will be no more accurate and cost you $2 a shot, and Rifled slugs in a Rifled barrel won't be as accurate as Sabots.

Your gun is just a regular smooth bore, so I'd recommend you stick to rifled slugs and try what Dave says on testing.


Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Lee, sabots will usually exibit rotten accuracy from a smooth barrel, while rifled slugs can be surprisingly decent shooters from the same. Stick to rifled slugs.

What are you going to use the slugs for? Hunting or LE? If LE, the reduced recoil slugs work well, IIRC.
