Just got a delayed on my nics check

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New member
I purchased two ARs and a Colt Mustang in the past three weeks, but went in today to buy a Smith revolver and got delayed. Is this something that is just a happenstance or is it happening to many because of the roof shooting? Thanks.

357 Python

New member
It could be something as simple as the system being down. I wouldn't worry until you hear the word "denied". Then you can file an appeal.


New member
Aren't you the same guy on the P-07 FB page?

Probably happenstance, but your name does come up with suspicion of piracy.


New member
Could also be because you've purchased several guns recently. There are a bajillion reasons you can get a delay, totally nothing to worry about. It'll be resolved quickly if it isn't a legitimate problem.


New member
Jade helm started today.:eek:

But it's probably nothing. It happens. No rhyme or reason. It's the government running it. And it works exactly as you'd suspect.


New member
I've only been *not delayed once. All the other times I would have to come back the next day.

The time i wasn't delayed it was a Friday afternoon - gunstore clerk said they probably wanted to clear their desk before closing or something of the like. I would have thought it would be the opposite.

The time I was denied, the store owner had input my information incorrectly by 1 letter. And when I called the state police, I was asked, "well, do you remember what happened in Minnesota?" I told them I'd never been there.



New member
Someone else recently was complaining about the time to get his C&R back. As long as these background checks are the law they need to be done properly. They shouldn't just be a rubber stamp. If something doesn't jive (and yes that could be one letter) they should be doing further checking. I guess there is plenty of info on me, checks have always been quick.


New member
Welcome to my world.

I always get delayed, always. No idea why I have not even a parking ticket to my name.

Gave 'em the SS#. . . delayed.
Changed to state issued photo ID. . . . delayed.


Purple Bikerr

New member
I am ALWAYS delayed, a day or three.:rolleyes: The Feds have been looking for a guy in Baltimore, with the same name as mine for at least 8 yrs. I have lived in Wis. all of my life.

I know this as the "background checker" had told my FFL what was going on and to ask me a few extra questions (ever been to Baltimore, mothers maiden name, SSN) who then told me what was happening. I haven't walked out of a store with a gun "at time of purchase" in yrs.
I know this as the "background checker" had told my FFL what was going on and to ask me a few extra questions
The NICS operators don't share that kind of information, and I've never known them to have FFL's ask questions off script like that.

Edteach, we can't tell you why you might have been delayed. There are numerous possible factors, some of which are mentioned here. Beyond that, your only way to find out is to contact the NICS operations center personally.


New member
None of the above. Still awaiting reply from multiple inquiries as to why I'm always delayed.

The usual answer is (SURPRISE!)
A federal prohibition would exist for any person who:

Has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
Is a fugitive from justice
Is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance
Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution
Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States or who has been admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa
Has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions
Having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced U.S. citizenship
Is subject to a court order that restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such intimate partner
Has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
Is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
Followed by a suggestion I go to the website for more information:rolleyes:.


New member
Guess I should consider myself lucky. I've never been delayed. But then I've been called for jury duty more times than I can count, and know many that never have.:rolleyes:


New member
Guess I should consider myself lucky. I've never been delayed. But then I've been called for jury duty more times than I can count, and know many that never have.

I've never been delayed or called to jury duty. For someone that has voted since I was eligible and to be almost 68, I must really be under the radar. I have bought 3 firearms this year so far and the approval comes back within a couple of minutes of the completed entry into the computer.


New member
I've never been delayed, but that's simply because in Georgia no NICS check is required if one has a valid carry license. Another option for those who are often delayed is to apply for a UPIN through the FBI.


Active member
Another option for those who are often delayed is to apply for a UPIN through the FBI.

That's what I did. You'll need to get fingerprinted and photographed - similar to the process of an NFA transfer, but obviously no need for CLEO sign-off or anything like that. IIRC, it takes a few months, and then you will get your UPIN. For me, it was worth the hassle.


New member
My cousin has a common name and always gets delayed when buying guns, gun shop owner said it's likely someone with the same name as him has a criminal record and ties it up.
gun shop owner said it's likely someone with the same name as him has a criminal record and ties it up.
Again, he can speculate all he wants. The only people who know are the NICS examiners.

This subject comes up with distressing regularity, and the correct answer is always the same: nobody outside the FBI knows why somebody gets delayed.
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