Just for fun.


New member
Are you tired of conventional handguns, with their loud noise and recoil?

Are you tired of not being able to penetrate soft body armor that even a bow & arrow will slice through?

Are you tired of having to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on ammunition or reloading components?

Do you want something new?

The Future Is NOW.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the KTI M1 Particle Projection Gun.

"Why Nightcrawler, what's a particle projection gun?"

I'll tell you! A particle projection gun uses an electromagnetic coil to accelerate a mass of charged particles, which are held together in a magnetic sheath.

"How well does it work?"

The mass of charged particles, the "bullet", if you will, leaves the muzzle of the M1 at a nominal velocity of approximately two thousand feet per second. Longer barrel (and longer electromagnetic coil lengths) will result in higher velocities. Coil upgrades are available.

What the shooter will see is a bright blue streak, much like firing a tracer round, but larger.

"But Nightcrawler, what can the PPG do that my Glock can't?"

A whole bunch of things! The standard power cell for the M1 (which feeds into the grip like a standard handgun magazine) gives the M1 a 100 shot capacity, give or take (a coil upgrade will use more power and result in fewer shots per energy-clip).

Also, the mass of particles is unaffected by wind, and has very little actual mass. This translates into a projectile that maintains velocity better than any bullet could. 200 yard shots are a breeze with the M1 PPG!

But the most noticable difference is in what the projectile does when it hits the target. A bullet makes a hole.

A PPG projectile also makes a hole. However, the charged particles react violently when coming into contact with solid matter. In other words, the PPG will result in wounds more horriffic than possible with most gunpowder firearms. This means more stopping power. There's no need to worry about bullet expansion or wound channels; the softball sized wound cavity the PPG leaves in your attacker's chest is almost guaranteed to take the proverbial spirit of the bayonet out of him. Body armor, whether soft kevlar or steel or ceramic ballistic plates, is no match for the M1 PPG!

The M1 comes with an unconditional lifetime warranty. It breaks, we fix it. Period.

You can own an M1 PPG for the introductory price of $2999.99. The costs will come down once we refine the production process. Additional power cells are available for $199 each, and the pistol comes with a power cell charger (it is recommended that you sendt he recharging unit back to the factory for replenishing. It should be good for up to a hundred chargings. It can, however, be plugged into a standard outlet, though this might be a burden on your electric bill.)

The M1 PPG is not a firearm under any law. Act now before the congresscritters do! Order today and we'll send you the pistol, two power cells the charging unit, manual, lockable carry case, and maintenance kit for $2999.99! We can and will ship the M1 straight to your front door!

*sigh* Okay, I'm finished. I'm a college student, it's saturday night, and I need to get a life. :D

Kudos for the first TFLer to guess which real handgun the drawing of the PPG is based on (it shouldn't be too difficult).


  • ppg.jpg
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New member
Hang in there man. 35 days to go before someone pries you away from that computer and gets you into a bar for some more interactive weekend fun. Just remember to leave the PPG at home. :D


New member
But..but I don't drink! Does that mean I don't get to have a life?



I'm looking forward to June 16th, though. It's a sunday, but the following weekend I'll be heading home to purchase a pistol! :)

And you're right, LOL, it is based on a line drawing of a Walther P99 is found on Walther USA's website. The grip looks high tech, so it works with the design I was shooting for.


New member
What advantages does this contraption have over say, a .22 magnum?

A .22 Magnum won't rip through Level IV ceramic armor at 300 yards. Nor does it do the whole softball-sized hole part (unless you have a special .22 Magnum load you'd like to share).



New member
Already been done

...but you'll have to find a wormhole to travel through to get the technology. Gives you the ability to say "Freeze.....or I'll fill you full of....little yellow bolts of light!"


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New member
I'll take one! It'll go great with the anti particle beam body suit I bought last weekend at the gun show. Guy I bought it from claims that it has a special magnetic field that strips arriving particle beams of the magnetic sheath which holds them together and sends the charged particles bouncing harmlessly away! Just wish the battery pack was a little smaller - but gotta power the thing somehow.

Whattya mean none of you guys have one? Could I then be in the possession of the only one proof vs. particle beam weapon? They guy did look like he was from outta town... You know - Short, green skin, antennae - but I just attributed it to the jerky that other guy was selling by the trailmix stand. Or did I just get ripped off?

Guess I'll have to shoot the suit to see that it works as advertised before I get to excited...

When can I expect the M1?



New member
Just what would these charged "particles" consist of ?

Would there need to be a reservoir in connection with the "energy cell" to hold the proper amount of particulate material?

How is it that wind will not effect a particle beam, if this particular particle beam only travels 2000FPS ?

When this "magnetic sheath" loses its strength (which likely would take only a slight fraction of a second) it is only then the particle beam loses velocity at an accelerated rate and experience a radial dispersion of particulate material, changing to something that resembles more of an extended shotgun pattern rather than a "beam" ?

What does this offer over the fusion-assisted laser with photogenic condenser recycling barrel insert unit that I currently have, and will it defeat the new armor recently adopted by the unconstitutional Martian Galactic Authority Patrol ?