Just for a laugh....


New member
I just went off the site for a jiffy, to check out my favorite Australian gun exchange/sale site (the one that is responsible for me spending too much $ on guns) and I had a light bulb moment :D You guys might be interested in knowing what we have available over here. Remember the prices are in Aussie dollars, I think $AUD1.00 = 65c US or there abouts (so $1 US = $AUD1.40) I think our average wage over here is about $AUD600.00 or close to it.

No, I am not on commission & suggesting you should buy any, just if you are interested in seeing what guys like me expect to pay for something over here, and whats available concidering we are on the opposite sides (and hemisphere) of the planet, you might get a kick out of it :eek::D

The site is: http://usedguns.com.au

Click on the type of gun you are looking at by category on the left side of the page below the left hand side Stag's head

For further interest, Gas is $1.10 per liter regular 91 octane, $1.35 per liter premium 98 octane, LPG (propane 65c per liter) Diesel (crap) $1.48 per liter.
large sliced white bread loaf is about $3.50 A liter carton of milk is about $1.45

Interested in your feedback too, BTW



New member
Heres a kiwi one

And theres even a currency converter to USD. I do work there but I'm not on commission & suggesting you should buy any, just if you are interested in seeing what guys like me expect to pay for something over here, and whats available considering we are on the opposite sides (and hemisphere) of the planet, you might get a kick out of it.
Sori for stealing that dingo but you said it perfectly.


New member
Dingo, If I ever come down to OZ I am bringing some $$$ and going home with some Martini Cadets! I have been looking for one under $500 USD for a long time. I really want 3 of them and convert them to:

22 K Hornet
218 Bee AI.

I love the look of the old Martini Cadets and it such a sweet action. They looik cool with a big long scope with external adjustments(I have 2 old Lyman scopes saved up for a Martini when i find it)

You guys put a lot of buck on those Arisaka 6.5's. They do look nice and the 6.5 is the better gun but unless you collect military rifles they are fugly:)

A 32-20 M92 winchester for $200??????? Come on no way! Call the Cops that guy was robbed. Then some guy bought a 357 mag Rossi for $1000?? You guys are crazy Down there:eek:


New member
Hey Sambo

Yea, I only look in the handgun and black powder section. I shouldnt really look, cant control myself, have 16 handguns already :eek: I just thought it would be interesting for you guys to take a look. Concidering the strictness of gun laws over here, theres plenty available. Take a look in accessories and reloading at the prices we have to pay for die sets and stuff. I see a mold or something at midway for $19.95 over there, by the time its here its $60.00 :barf:

Factory ammo is expensive too.... .44 mag last time I had to buy new was $95.00 for 50 :barf::barf:
everything I need is OS now, so do heaps of reloading :D



New member
I will say this. If I could get down there and get back with some guns I would be the man himself. I could bring a 1000 rds of 44mag and a few Rossi rifles and come home with every gun I ever wanted:D

I guess you have a magazine round limit also, like some of our states do here. I see a bunch of pistols with 10 rd mags when I know they take a higher count. I live in the south east of the US and we have not been effected with that nonsense yet!

For real though those Cadet actions are cheap there.

I want this gun:


In USD it would cost me $657.00. Here in the states it would go for over 2K


New member
Yup, we are limited to 10 round mags, but boy, you can learn to change 'em quick :D Can have the next one in before the first one hits the deck :D

Not allowed silencers either :rolleyes: threadded barrels are ok tho :confused:

work that out??
