Just for a hoot, did any one else see CSI last nite?


New member
I was getting ready for bed and did the channel surf thing. I stopped when I seen someone firing a Full Auto 1911 off a roof top.

The show later moved to KILLER AMMO, from who knows where made in the 40's...

In the crime lab, one of the rounds rolled of the table and hit the floor. It took off like a rocket and blew ceiling tiles and a light down. The case did not explode. It just took off.

Don't you love the Brain Poison they put on the TV!


kennybs plbg

New member
I kind of heard the part where the bullet could determine body heat and know enough to fracture apart to become the killer bullet in a nano-second before penetration.

Looks like we're going to have more bullets to outlaw this week.

kenny b


New member
Hey, if we can keep the antis focused on trying to ban imaginary bullets for awhile instead of real ones that actually exist, I say bring on more Hollywood dreg! :p


New member
Saw that one. They had some 40 year old ammo and carried on about how it's illegal to sell ammo that old.


New member
I don't ever watch CSI, I am much too busy watching quality entertainment (just finished watching Open Range) Gotta love a DVD player

Moe Howard

New member
I watch CSI Miami, on DVR, while I am on the computer since I really don't concentrate on it but I got dizzy and fell out of my chair on that episode from rolling my eyes:rolleyes:.


New member
don't think it was a 1911, it looked plastic ... the killer ammo as described sounded pretty star-wars, but it was new ... the old ammo was from some soviet bloc state .. and it was hilarious to watch that round hit the ground and go off ... I said as much to the screen, earning a poke in the ribs from the wife ... Geez ... then they shot Horatio! I was hoping he would go on one of his Punisher rampages and kill that creep who married his former girlfriend, the mother of his pinheaded son ... why do I know this?


New member
Yeah I did see it, and I have it paused on my tv right now I (tivo'ed it). It looks like a Glock 18 or a converted Glock 17. Did you see Horacio get shot at the end?


New member
Looked like a g18 to me. The wife was getting pissed because I kept explaining to her all the things that were false they were saying. So I pretty much talked through the entire show.


New member
earning a poke in the ribs from the wife
Thats why I don't go to many movies, My ribs can't handle sitting that close to the loving wife who is satisfied to be fascinated by BS.


New member
stop talking about this...:mad:

this episodes havent come to Norway yet... you are ruinning it for all the Norwegians on TFL:p


New member
Did ya ever see the CSI episode in which they showed the actual real gun called "The Vaporizor"? My daughter was watching it one night on her laptop (good 'ol Youtube.com) and it showed a gun that can shoot 150,000 PLUS rounds (I think the demo said it is capable of up to 750,000 a minute) a minute that literally vaporized the guy into a mist that was shot with it. Just for the hell of it, I googled 'The Vaporizor" expecting not to find anything, and sure as ****, it IS a real gun. It is so lethal, it has been banned for production in just about every country and only 2 exist (owned by the US military, of course). There is a video demo on line showing just what this thing can do and it is beyond scary. The rounds are caseless and primerless .223s, that are mounted on a plate. An electric current is passed thru the plate, firing the bullets. Each plate holds something like 500 rounds and when fired, it looks like a puff of smoke. They show the gun in the demo firing at 20 sheets of 3/4 inch plywood spaced 6" apart and they completely vaporize a hole thru the center, no splinters, just fine sawdust!. It is scary knowing that not only the technology exists to build this kind of weapon, but to know that 2 actually exist. Could you imagine if one or both of these ever ended up in the hands of a terrorist or a politician what would happen? Check it out, google "The Vaporizer". I am suprized the anti-gun community isn't going to town on this.


New member
Did ya ever see the CSI episode in which they showed the actual real gun called "The Vaporizor"?

Yes. The gun is actually called metal storm, and it fires about 1,000,000 RPM.

Here is a pic

when are alleged conservative intelligent "gun nuts" going to wean themselves away from these liberal oriented programs and movies ?

personally i get more entertainment from watching the night skies for meteors and satellites, check out this site, it's amazing what you can find http://www.heavens-above.com/


New member
when are alleged conservative intelligent "gun nuts" going to wean themselves away from these liberal oriented programs and movies ?

To ignore your enemy is to be yourself, ignorant. I like watching some liberal shows and I love watching religous documentaries that preaches rant about telling their flock not to watch. I want to see what my enemy is doing and what they are thinking. When I watched the Da Vinci Code and some of the specials on it I was criticized by some people for doing that. I found that by learning what it was all about and applying my other knowledge it only made my faith in what I believed stronger. A through knowledge of any subject is necessary to resist it. Right now we are in a very heated election season and the vast majority of the voters have no idea of what their cantidate or their opponents cantidates really stand for. They are only taking the word of someone who may be telling th truth or may be lying for their own benefit.

Many years ago it was illegal for anyone other than royalty or the clergy to be able to read. It was illegal in the US to teach slaves to be able to read and write. This was because it was easier to control someone who did not know thew truth. We still see that today with so many people putting their faith in leaders with the loudest voice rather than finding out the truth themselves.

If you want to ignore what Michael Moore and the Hollywood liberals are saying then you have no way to defend yourself against them. If you don't know what your enemy is doing but rather assume it then the battle and war is lost.