Just finished my fifth revolver case

Doc Hoy

New member
Here it is.

Here is the office wall

This new case is for cartridge revolvers. But I would hasten to mention that if you look closely you will see three revolvers which are not cartridge revolvers. I think this is a perfectly good reason to go out and look for an 1875 Remington, and a coupla nickel plated revolvers.

Do I also see some additional wall space for some more rifles?


New member
Looks nice.

Where are the "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS" labels and the little hammer hanging from a chain that is attached to the frame?:D

But seriously, how do you get them out if you want to use them


New member
Doc . . . any interior decorator would be so proud of what you've done . . . for myself, I in particular like the way you have "framed" the cases with rifles . . . and like stray dogs and . . . "there's always room for just one more"! Beautiful job . . . nice collection! :)


New member
Very nice.
But that would make me nervous, having all those out in plain sight.
A neighbor lost all his doing that.
But then I worry a lot more than most.


New member
Excellent !!!

Nice work, Doc. ... :)
What is the rifle, closest to the door. mounted in the vertical position. Can't quite make it out? ..

Thanks and;
Be Safe !!!


New member
I am impressed.

Both by the subject matter and the inclination to display these in an office setting.

It seems that these days, an office waiting room has displays of the big 'o', 'martha', and the editorial mag/rag 'time'.

Thanks for the images.

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Bill Akins

New member
That rifle hanging closest to the door looks like it might be a brass frame Henry "Yellowboy".

Doc your wall displays look great, but I'd also be VERY nervous having my collection out like that because of burglars. Hope you have a very good security alarm system and a mean dog you keep in that room. I once had my entire rifle collection stolen back in 1976 because I had it hanging on the wall like that. Since I was burned like that, I don't hang ANY guns up or have any out where they can be seen. I'd love to, but I was burned bad by my collection being stolen once before. So once burned twice shy. It only takes just once for a burglar to take every one of those Doc. Hate for that to happen to you. Don't mean to throw a wet blanket on your display or anything, it looks great. Just hate to see you lose it to a criminal.

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Doc Hoy

New member
The rifle closest to the door...

...Is a Henry Big boy in .357. The other lever gun is a Rossi M92 carbine in >45 LC.

The office is in my house. There have been burglaries in the neighborhood, but I work out of the house and am here most of the time and also on a very erratic schedule.

The last guy who broke into someone's house was caught within two hours. Two Chesapeake Police officers, a State Trooper and two Chesapeake Deputies live within two blocks of the house.

Of course none of that is assurance.



New member
I was all packed and headed for your house until I saw that cat. Nope. I ain't messin' with that savage beast.:eek:



New member
looks great

Thats a nice set up there....I got one revolver not enuff for a whole wall yet lol. i think it will take me awhile to aquire that big of a collection! as far as guard cats ive got two mean ones that will bite your toes off!

Doc Hoy

New member
Mykeal... and Roshi...


You would be welcome at the house but I do have to give the cat an extra drink at happy hour tonight for savin my pistols.


That is the best idea I have heard all day! You just wait for the next gun show. Those Peacemakers are in jeopardy!

I mean how can we possibly tolerate cap and ball revolvers and cartridge revolvers in the same case. The very idea!

Doc Hoy

New member

I like this cat but when he gets wound up it is like wrestling with a revved up chainsaw. He still has all his claws and an unpredictable disposition.


New member
I understand not wanting to get your belongings stolen, but unless they are irreplaceable I would have no problem hanging guns. Now granted most wall hangers are older and may not be easily replaced.

Insurance is there for a reason. I would love to do something like that with some Blackhawks and Vaqueros. If they get stolen it is not the end of the world I can always buy more. I consider myself safe and responsible, but I won't let worry stop me from living