Just curious


New member
I just bought a new factory mag for my 10/22----on the back of the package it lists the part number as BX-1 for the 10/22 and JX-1 for the 77/22 and 96/22. While the 22 magnum magazine JMX-1 is listed for the 10/22 mag---77/22 mag and the 96/22 mag.

My question is: Is there any difference between the BX-1 and the JX-1 magazines. Seems like i have bought mags listed as JX-1 that work just fine in my 10/22.


New member
I dont think there is any difference in 77/22 and 10/22 mags i have used 10/22 mags in my 77/22 and they work great, but i dont know about 96/22.


New member
I don't have a direct answer to your question, but I do have one Ruger mag that I bought for my 10/22 that is slanted significantly more than the rest - in other words, it doesn't fit exactly flush. I think it said it was for a 10/22, but I've wondered if it was for a 77/22 or something. It does work fine.


Good Guy

New member
There is a difference between the 1022 and 7722 mags. I think one is flat bottomed and the other is rounded (I'm too lazy right now to go look in the safe). I haven't had a problem using them interchangeably. They work fine, but one combination is supposedly a little harder to remove from the mag well as there is less to grasp on to.