Just bought (on-line) 500 rounds of XM193 5.56 from AmmoMan.com


New member
Any body bought ammo from these guys? Are thay relyable? I gave them the benifit of the dought, and used a credit card.

I payed $109.oo for 500 rounds. I think this was a good deal. I heard the M193 stuff thay have is real nice, and loaded hot.

From this point on I am going to shoot my M4 using 5.56mm ammo only. Basicly because the thing seams to like the 5.56 alot better than the .223 of any brand. (go figure, it's chambered for 5.56) The gun shop I go to, completly ran out of 5.56. So I needed a place to go that has it all of the time. I cant wait for a gun show and the gun shop doesn't know when thay will get some agen.

Why doesn't the "normal" hunting and spoting good stores stock 5.56mm ammo. My god that would be nice.:) I cant wait untill M995 is avalible to the public.:D


New member
I've bought ammo from them and had them ship it to Thunder Ranch for a class. They were great to deal with.


New member
Eric the ammoman?

He seems to do a darned decent job of making satisfied customers. If I didn't handload so much, I'd probably have given him a metric butt-ton of business by now.

Jamie Young

New member
I got the same stuff for $190 for 1000rds last year. You paid a little more than you needed to, but your shooting the best stuff you can possible get for an M4.


New member
Eric the Ammoman has an excellent reputation for honesty and quick service.

You may find some dented and dinged rounds in what you bought. Probably not a big deal, but you should check every round before you shoot it.

A quick inspection of every round you put in a firearm should be done regardless of the brand anyway.I find one every so often that has a significant flaw and needs to be rejected.

Back to the XM-193. There have been threads running weekly discussing it over at AR-15.com in the ammo forum for a few months now. It seems to be good ammo but it was not boxed as it was manufactured. It was put into bins and stored, then boxed later. Buyers report some light tarnish, some small dings, an occasional dent.

I haven't seen any myself. I'm working my way through a pile of Winchester Q3131A. Maybe SodaPop or another poster who has purchased it could comment on the appearance of the product.

As fast as Ammoman ships, you will have it Monday or Tuesday. Let us know what it looks like. I'm curious. Either way, I hope you enjoy it. Get out there and shoot some before the weather gets too cold.


New member
Eric is excellent. At LFI-2, we were all talking about where we got our ammo, best deals, etc. It didn't take long to realize that Eric was the main supplier for the group.
Do a search here and you will probably NOT find anyone who has anything bad to say about Eric the Ammoman.

The XM193 ammo is very good stuff - military surplus. It is some of the ugliest looking brass, but good stuff. It is loaded hot compared to most .223 ammo, but keep in mind it isn't .223. It is full powered NATO 5.56, so you get 100-200 fps more from it. Also, if you shoot a gun like mine without a muzzle brake or flash suppressor, you get one helluva muzzle flash.

Did you get the best price? No, probably not. www.natchezss.com has the same stuff for $3.39 a box if you by a 25 box case (500 rounds). That comes out to $84.75. Depending where you are, shipping will be $15-20 for a total cost of $99.75-104.75. At the 1000 round level, Ammoman's prices are comparable to Natchez, at least for what it costs to ship to Texas.


New member

Let us know what it looks like. I'm curious. Either way, I hope you enjoy it. Get out there and shoot some before the weather gets too cold.

Will do.:) I hope to get out to the range next week end. I want to do a final sight in before I go hunting. I'll take some pics of the ammo when I get it and post it in the forum.


New member
I have bought from Eric before and have always had good dealings with him. And since he is just down in NJ, I always get fairly quick service from him.


New member
Ditto on the above.....
Ammoman is very easy to do business with. I've used them in the past with no problems.........



New member
I just bought a half case of M193 from Natchez (the deal mentioned above). It is slightly tarnished, but otherwise appears to be okay. The boxes are marked as "Lot 3." Does anyone know anything about that particular lot (i.e. when made, sealed or not, shoots well, etc.)?

Ammoman.com is a fine place to buy from, but I saved about $10 on my order from Natchez. I had to buy a bunch of other items too, so the shipping cost was less of an issue.


New member
Kudos to Eric here too

I have bought from ammoman in the past and they are always quick, courteous and have good prices. Not to worry.

If you ever have any problems just give Eric a call and he will take care of you.



New member
Eric the Ammoman is responsible for my substantial contribution to this country's massive consumer debt.
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New member
I noticed one day that Ammoman accepts Paypal so I placed an order for 1000 Greek 9MM @ $119. Ordered Monday PM order arrived Friday AM. Somewhere in between NJ and GA the case got broken open and two boxes were missing. UPS man did his paperwork and then I got on the phone with Ammoman. Fifteen minutes later I had a $12 credit on Paypal. Super outfit to deal with. I also think it's hysterically ironic that they don't sell to anyone IN New Jersey.

Stay safe.

Andrew Wyatt

New member
I want to do a final sight in before I go hunting.

ball ammunition is not legal in any state for hunting. You should probabbly rethink using it. in any case, if you're going to zero your weapon , you should zero it for the ammunition you'll use while hunting.