Just bought a Kahr P380 (fingers crossed)


New member
Despite some of the recent threads on Kahr's handguns, I decided that I needed to add a P380 to my stable.

I was a little hesitant, but I ordered one from Bud's last week and just crossed my fingers. Hopefully it will get here soon enough to take it to the range this weekend!

I'm pretty anxious to get my hands on this little guy...

Pics and range report to follow, hope it works! :D


New member
I am very satisfied with a Kahr P380 and an MK40. Shoot well and when I'm carrying the 380 I don't even know it is there.


New member
I too worried about getting the P380 because I experienced a POS PM9 from Kahr. But to my surprise it worked very well. Put the 200 rds thru it like it says and I'm sure you will fall in love with this gun. I found that I must grip it more like a revolver than letting my thump ride up high on the slide. I think it it disrupts the slide if your thumb hits the slide release, then again it may just be me.


New member
P 380 is well built and a soft shooter, no punishing range sessions. It's easy to carry and you're going to like it.

bdb benzino

New member
Really?:confused: I thought the problem with Kahr was with the PM series and a while ago. Almost every report I read these days is very positive, and the 2 CW's I have owned were flawless. Infact I regret trading my CW45 everyday!! Goodluck with yours!;)


New member
I have been looking at the P380 too. I bought a pos Diamondback and after a trip to the factory it still has trigger reset issues. I have a CW9 and a CW45 that are both excellent weapons. The CW9 was flawless from the first round and the 45 has been perfect after the first 50.


New member
Great to hear all the good feedback! It makes me want to get out and spend some time on the range.

I REALLY wish this gun would just hurry up and get here :)