Just bought a Glock 17... what should i add?


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Whats up everyone! So i just bought a glock 17 (gen 3... California SUCKS!)and I LOVE IT! I did like my SP2022 but after using my 17 i think im in love.

My question....

i want to make this thing my baby, what mods should i make to it? (keep in mind i live in CA)

i was thinking a magwell (want to be able to use stock mags, prefer zev)
Extra grip (i was thinking talon?)
metal guide rods and pins (money doesn't matter, do they make a difference in the long run?)
Trigger? i personally like the stock trigger, especially compared to my SP2022, but it is not 100% crisp.
Sights, still cant tell if i like the stock ones, are there any that are overwhelmingly better?


Put some good night sights on it. Maybe some Talon grips if you really want to change something else.


New member
sights maybe

Many folks think that factory glock sights are the pits.

I don't see the need for a mag well, what with the glock mag being tapered, plus it adds to the bulk of the pistol.

A cheap mod for grips is a bit of friction tape here and there till you find the right combo.

What else you do largely depends on your purpose(s). I'd leave a SD pistol largely alone. Many more options if you intend to compete or simply use as a range gun.


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Great to see so many replies so quickly.

As far as the magwell it would be purely for feel and ascetics, i love the look of it and would never mind the extra space to reload. Also like the feel of having the magwell at the bottom of my pinky

Is there any type of grip you recommend? i am assuming just a bulk sheet of good adhesive type?

The sights im ok with, i wont change them unless i start to hate them, was just wondering if anything amazing was out there.

I also was looking at the Zev extra large mag release. i have small hands (not really small, i reach the trigger fine, stubby and wide. Hence why i got the 17 rather than the 19. 19 finger grooves were too tight) and i can managed the current release but its a stretch, feel like i could benefit from it.

Also just for more info, i am wanting to get into either pistol or 3 gun competition. I really wanted to get a Glock 34 but it is not available anywhere around me so i went with the 17 to get used to the platform as well as maybe just stick with it since i like it so much.
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Spats McGee

Welcome to TFL, zackgee!

I'm going to join the "ammo" chorus. Shooting loads of ammo will help you decide what you really need to change.


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Welcome to TFL.

My #1 mod would be adding ammo to the mags, then shooting.

After that all I do to my Glocks is add night sights if I feel like it, though I like the stock sights fine. Few thousand rounds will smooth the trigger out.

Enjoy your new gun and shoot the snot outta it!


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First, IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer)

But, Mods to a SD Pistol should be limited to things that improve accuracy. I don't know about you, but I DO want to be a responsible carrier which includes proficieny AND being ACCURATE both of which help prevent stray bullets striking bystanders.

Sights, barrel, Grip Panels or Grip Tape and trigger are acceptable improvements IMO. But, I am not the District Attorney, Judge or Jury.

I WOULD NOT do Magwells, engraved Slide Plates, Engraved Slides, or a Barrell that says "Wrong House"...you get the idea. Nothing that provokes emotion or is Macho "don't mess with me crap"

If it is NOT an EDC Carry Gun....sky is the limit. Have fun with everything out there for the Glock Platform.

Now, TFO Sight are awesome for both day and night shooting. In a nightime SD shooting at typical Lethal Force distances night sights shouldn't be necessary. If you had to take the time to line up a great sigh pic....you had the time to remove yourself. If not, your brain will take over and your shots will be on target (if you have practiced enough). My Glock G35 4th Gen has Tritium Sights from factory which actually stay lit longer (hrs even) than my TFO's on my XDS .45

Barrel, if u are gonna reload an aftermarket barrel is a must in my book.

I put a Ghost Trigger in because I am a better shooter with it and much more accurate. 10,000 rds of practice will do the same. A trigger kit DOES add a little increased danger of Negligent Discharge and makes trigger pull more crisp with less travel and less "pull strength"...but it can also improve shoot ability and yes, accuracy.

I DO like the Talon Grips in rubberized for my other handguns but havent put them on my glock yet because of the swappable backstrap. Grip Tape may be a better answer here.

My Glock in my case is NOT my EDC anymore (it is HUGE) but I LOVE to take it out to the range and shoot alot. It DOES however sit 6" from my head at night. So an intruder would like meet it if they were in my house at night.


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agree with everyone else. Shoot it a bunch and see what you like/dont like. Buy extra mags and ammo for now. If you really want to add something immediately you cant go wrong with night sights.


New member
Just bought a Glock 17... what should i add?
A lot of ammo. Nothing else "needed". You can frill it up to your heart's content, but it will be rock solid, reliable, and perfectly shootable right out of the box!


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Take shooting lessons from a USPSA Grand Master and start working on your first 25,000 rounds. My old 2 pin G17 just turned 180,000 rounds, no slick mods, just a 3.5lb OEM connector, Heine sights, $14 Prizi magwell, LoneWolf grip sleeve and a hand fitted BarSto barrel I got as match product. My other G17s are OEM barrels and shoot just as well,



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I agree with those saying to get ammo and shoot it. You'll figure out what you do and dont like about it and can go from there, so you're less likely to end up with a box full of mods you dont like anymore. Enjoy your new gun!


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Welcome to the forum! You made a good choice on the 17. I will agree to what has been said previous....don't change a thing until you shoot it some. Heck, you may even like it in stock form. Stay safe.


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Rubberized Talon grip (once you are sure of your preferred blackstrap), probably sights (though mine are still stock at close to 2500 rounds on my G19), maybe smooth faced trigger.

About CA - what restrictions do have you in CA as far as modding your pistol?