Just bought a CW9 and have a breaking in question


New member
I just put 50 rounds through my brand new kahr cw9 and i know they have a 200 round breakin period....but i have 4 times where i pulled the trigger and no bang...eject the bullet and it had a dimple in the primer but it did not go off...is this part of that break in or is there something else going wrong with my kahr


is this part of that break in or is there something else going wrong with my kahr

Failures to feed or eject could be blamed on needing break-in, failures to fire can not.

1st question: what ammo are you shooting, have you tried a different brand? The ammo you've been using may have unusually hard primers.

2nd question: have you cleaned and lubed your Kahr? overlubrication in and around the striker and/or breechface can impede striker (firing pin) movement.


New member
it was some PMC...and no i have not done that yet...the gun is currently being held for 10 day waiting period that california requires...i will clean and properly lub. and retest when i get it probably putting 200 threw it to try to smooth out this problem...is there a way that if there is to much oil in the firing pin housing area that i can get it out?


is there a way that if there is to much oil in the firing pin housing area that i can get it out?

The striker channel is left quite open on Kahrs, it should be pretty accessible without disassembly.

That said, I doubt this is your problem, as I believe Kahrs come from the factory bone-dry. My CW40 did.


If it were my pistol I would:

1. Try some other ammunition.
2. Contact Kahr if it occurred with other ammunition.


New member
There are quite a few reports of this occuring in the CW9. My CW9 suffers from a light strike problem also. I replaced the striker spring and that seemed to solve the problem for 500 rounds or so, but the problem has reared it's ugly head again. I'm at a loss as to why.

Go here for a terrific PDF on stripping the Kahr upper, go to reply #37;

Eye protection is strongly advised.

Some of the reasons this problem may occur;

A shorter than spec firing pin.
A deeper than spec chamber allowing the case to seat too deep.
A week spring (possible but doubtful).
The breech wall too thick.

I personally do not buy the hard primer theory as this only occurs with my Kahr CW9 and no other gun... not even my other Kahrs.
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New member
Epic, odds are it is the primer. Is it new ammo, and not something you have had for a long time? In the rush to keep up with demand it would not be a huge surprise that Quality slips a little...

Although I bought a Kel-tec P11 , and it had a similar problem. It was the firing pin that had a small bur on it and catching on the opening when it struck the primer. A quick fluff and buff fixed the problem...


New member
I have 1180 rounds through my CW9 and had my first light strike the other day. The primer was dented but didn't fire. It did on the next trip through.

I broke the slide down for the second time and checked things out. As was the case the first time I cleaned the striker channel, there were tiny flakes of brass in the firing pin/striker channel. I don't really think there was enough to cause a problem but this is the only pistol I've owned where I've found these tiny flakes of brass. I thought perhaps it was due to a slight burr on the breech face around the firing pin hole shaving brass as it slid up the breech face so I smoothed the area with some 600 grit & oil on a Popsicle stick. This removed the very slight burr but didn't stop the accumulation of brass flecks in the channel. I haven't fired it since so will have to wait to see if this helped.


New member
...there were tiny flakes of brass in the firing pin/striker channel.

This is common in the Kahr line. I see these flakes in all 4 of my pistols, both polymer and steel frames. I agree they are probably not a cause of light strikes.


New member
This is common in the Kahr line. I see these flakes in all 4 of my pistols, both polymer and steel frames. I agree they are probably not a cause of light strikes.

Where in the dickens do the brass flakes come from:confused:


New member
thank you for all the help...once i get the gun back im going to run three different types of ammo and make sure i get pass the 200 round break in...any FTF after that and it will be heading back to kahr to see what theyll do with it....thanks