Just bought 2x SKSs for the boys


New member
Well I finally broke down and bought some semis for the boys age 4 and 8. I realize they aren't ready for them now but I was worried with the anti Republic feelings throughout the nation these days that our gun rights may soon be suffering. Well I got two cheapo Yugo SKSs from J&G. I have always hated SKSs because I thought they were ugly as heck, however something about the front of the Yugos strikes me as cool. Anyway I had no idea what to expect from a couple of one hundred dollar rifles bought over the internet sight unseen. I'll tell you this, while I haven't fired them or even cleaned off the cosmoline (I'll be searching previous posts for how best to do this ) they appear to be in way better condition than those I see at the gun stores/shows for about 185$. Gosh I love this C&R license. I can see myself getting in trouble with the wife real fast with new C&R gun purchases!



For the Cosmoline just get some mineral spirits, toothbrush, and a bucket to play with it all in. And while you at it you might as well strip & stain it something wonderful, moreso if the woodgrain looks great.


New member
Lucky kids these days...

If they're badly dinged or gouged, I refinish stocks for pocket money. I can nearly guarantee any ding is removable without taking off any wood. Arsenal fresh to full on refinish. PM me if you're interested. There's nothing I love more than the smell of melting cosmo.


New member
The ever addictive SKS

I started out with one (1) because I too was worried about them removing the semis, and I live in the PRK, home of banning weapons LOL.

I now have 7 over the last 6 months and I'm still looking for more, I just love these guns, and they're great for the money. I can buy 3 SKS for the price of one pistol, and the ammo is plentiful, though I can't say cheap these days LOL. My biggest problem is the Yugos have the rocket launcher, which is considered a dangerous thing here in the PRK, so we have to have ours neutered before we can ship them in. I've lost out on some great deals because of this and it's damned annoying.

Check this place out for more info on these great, easy to strip and assemble guns. You'll see that the addiction is not limited to just mine LOL.


Keep in mind to buy spare parts whenever available on the cheap. I occasionally have one of my little beauties act up and a quick parts change will resolve the issue in minutes.

And for the cosmoline, I have two methods, Scunsi type steam cleaner or heat gun, and Gunscrubber for the internals, gets the stuff right out of the gas chamber and trigger group.

Have a great Kenpo day



Mooreshawnm - Thanks for the post. I've been looking for an affordable SKS and took a look at J&G's site. Did you buy the "good condition" ones or the more expensive "like new"? Depending on what they charge to ship it I can almost swing the "good condition" one for $109. I have to add $20 on it for a FFL to handle the reception, so if shipping isn't too much and I eat pinto beans for a few weeks I think I could do this. All the ones I see at the local gun shows are priced around $180 and up, too rich for my pocket book.

I found a bunch of Winchester 7.69X39 brass while working at the range yesterday, it appears to be reloadable. I gathered it all up, must have known I'd see this post pointing me to an affordable Homeland Defense rifle.


New member
Hedley- I am going to try to do these on my own. I will however definatly keep you in mind for more valuable weapons. Kind of want to try this on my own!

Rick- These were the cheap ones at 109$ for 2. They appear to be in great shape, I will spend the next 2 days cleaning em up and go shoot em on Sunday. I will let you know how they fare! Also as far as 20$ for transer fee, yoiu need to fork out 30$ and get a C&R. It is easy as heck and then you can have these oldies show up at your front door! Oh BTW shipping was 17$ for two rifles which I thought was suprisingly cheap (considering for a few accessories they want 10!)



New member
however something about the front of the Yugos strikes me as cool

Check this out... I agree....

Can we see some pics of the before and after? Lots of great advice here..

Put a few good ones in the SKS pics thread if you want to join the "club"


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Average Joe

New member
In the past, i've disliked the sks looks also, I now have 3, a Russian, Chinese, and a Yugo, They really are fun to shoot.


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Everyone's got a method- Here's Mine

Mooreshawnm- I've cleaned up a few dozen or so milsurps for my own, and I found the best way to clean the stocks after an initial wipe down with mineral spirits, is to lay them on the top rack of an oven set on bake at about 200* or the warm setting. Wrap foil around the bottom rack to catch the dripping cosmo. Take it out every 5 minutes or so and wipe it down with spirits. Keep repeating until no more cosmo sweats out. It may not fit in the oven without the door being cracked open, so flip it like you would anything else you cook. I've found this to be the best way to get all the cosmo out. Now keep in mind, it works best for bachelors, as it will smell like a Cummins diesel idled in your kitchen for a few hours. Also, make sure to keep an eye on the stock while it's baking. It will get hot.

Now, I have tried the dishwasher technique with excellent results on junker stocks, but do it at your own risk. I've heard reports of warped stocks and all kinds of wood-mayhem. The combination of steam, a degreasing agent, and the heat does wonders for dents and grease, but it will also raise the grain and the stamped cartouches. But I have created beauties from worthless crap this way.