Just an ADVISE!!! - Do not Travel to Southern Philippines


New member
Any one (with US passport)who intend to travel to Philippines should avoid going to the southern part (Mindanao) because of the Extremist Muslim idiotic and barbaric kidnapping activities.

I condemmed very well of this terroristic activitities of the Abusayyaf Group.


New member
stdalire, isn't there also a marxist rebel problem? I seem to recall reading about a continuing Marxist problem in the rural areas. At any rate, sounds like you have more than your share of problems down there.


New member
Ivanhoe: Yes, there is also marxist problems but at least these groups don't just behead their captives if the legitimate gov't won't heed to their demand and they are more professional in dealing any negotiations. Unlike these Abbusayaf Group that even the other Moro/muslim rebels condemmed their barbaric acts. Infact they beheaded already few of their captives who were former soldiers who became teachers. If I have only the command I will exterminate these groups, but damn to some government sectors, they all play politics and the innocents were sacrificed like pawns. I feel bad for I am a concerned citizen without looking of any belief or creed but only after justice and orderliness of a society i am living with. Well, well, don't trust the moros this is what the old saying goes.

When I was in Saudi I met several ex members of this group who described that these groups started as bandits and able to accumulate followers.

My government should use the old Bell 205 helicopter gunship and the vintage Huey plus the OV-10 bronco bombers to kill all these bastards, as they are fighting for nonsense. I've been a researcher of Islamic religion and intermingle with many of its kinds but all these groups are doing things that are all in contradicts with the essence of Islam.

My gov't should focus much on these problems not on the stiff gun control policies which will disarm the law abiding citezenry.


New member
I can't recall who said " A good Moro is a dead Moro."

Of course this group does not represents our brothers in the south or the Muslim worldwide. Even our Muslim brothers condemn this dastardly act.

They just want international recognition and our government is playing their game.

Mabuhay Stdalire!

Any reports about the "jellyfish" deposited into the powerplants at Mindinao? Has it been determined that this was an act of sabotage by any particular group? Thanks.

4V50 Gary


New member
Vega: Thanks for the comments and glad to hear from you. By the way, i was told by my worker that you passed by thereon. It has been set up all yesterday and perhaps after the holy week it will resume normal operations. When will we meet. Just email me.

I tend to believe now that a trusted moro is a dead moro. I once talk to one ex rebel when I was in Saudi and he told me that kidnapping in the south is a lucrative business that the captives will be handover from one chieftain to another and that will increase the ransom money. An ordinary kidnapper will passed the victim to a datu, then to a sultan etc. whoever the handler having a higher rank in their society has a higher demand for the ransom.


New member
Greetings 4V50 Gary, we are typing at the same time and when I submit my comment I've seen you had one.

About the Jelly Fish, well that is a replay of what had happened in the province (Pangasinan) of our former President Fidel Ramos. The power plant failures there that time causes major brown outs of Luzon and they blame the jelly fish.

But, we intelectuals are not foolish of just believing any government pronouncement. These are all works of particular groups who are sowing terror and if they sees a good chance they will overturn the current admin.

Believe it or not, it is a "Game of the Generals". I better be an OBSERVER continue living normally and do good I can, to whatever constituted government in power. This is the world we live in, thus we must know how to survive but let us not forget we are human to think and act rationaly and contribute even the smallest thing we could.

Sometimes I come to think that civil war in PI is needed to have a good lesson like in America.



New member
4V50 - Would you believe fifty truck loads
of jellyfish was removed from the
power plant? I don't think people
would believe even five truck loads. IMO, the government has already determined the reason for power failure but they do not want to admit it was done by any leftist or rightist groups.

stdalire - I passed on your shop the other
day and the worker told me you come only on Sundays. I got my 1911 working now and we could
schedule that range date.

Let's spare our children the horror of the civil war you're talking about.
I don't have enough money now to
buy ammos.



New member
As stdalire suggests, don't travel south. For the time being it's not good for Caucasian to go there. I just heard over the news that the military (government) has over run the rebel base. But tension could have ease by the the time you are here.

Unfortunately, all the good beaches are in the south. I suggest you check www.yehey.com


[This message has been edited by vega (edited April 23, 2000).]


New member
simonov jr, just visit northern Philippines, there are a lot of beaches there also. if you go Southern part of Manila it must be (within Luzon island perimeter) only.

My concept in bombarding the Abusayaf extremist has come to reality. They have already overun it per the news we had here.

If you want to go to an island which is nearly the same scenery as in Mindanao, go to Palawan "Puerto Princesa City". They have good places thereon. I had worked there for 3 yrs and that city is good, the kind of muslim they have there are good ones and represent only .01 % of the population. That area is also well combed by the Western Command and I am very sure rebels cannot operate there effectively. But as an advise, for the time being just refrain in going southern part of the country if you could. If your companions are filipinos and they have some kind of afinity to you, you don't need to worry. The same as to my white uncles they need not to worry if they are taking vacation for I am with them who knows the in and out a certain place and I am a native of the country.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I was a high school junior in Manila in 1949/1950. Everynow and then we could hear "arguments" between the Phil. Constabulary and the Hukbalahap.

Later on, my mother worked for the USOM/FOA, working with Pres. Magsaysay's office in his land reform efforts. Had he lived I think the Philippines would be a totally different place. Probably, no "Marcos Mining Company", for one thing...

I came back to the States on a passenger freighter. We stopped in Iloilo, Cebu City, and a lumber port on the east side of Luzon. Our last stops were Zamboanga and Basilan Island...

I was up at Baguio, at the Atok-Big Wedge gold mine, when there was an 8.3 earthquake. Very interesting!

So many neat people in the PI, and just enough idiots to screw things up for the Good Guys.

Best luck, best regards to you...



New member
simonov,if you have time, check out the sunday editions of the manila newspapers for tour agencies advertising resort specials/ contact philippine airlines if they have any special package deals;as of last year, i got good deals on mindoro & palawan(both laid back,good snorkeling places);boracay is not so laid back but beautiful&crowded; re: the south, my hometown(davao) has the pearl farm resort(small,pricey,safe) or talikud island:
adventurous if you go to the uncommercia-
lized side since you'll be sleeping under the stars(forget the hut&sleeping bag), watch the smugglers pass by in their boats w/your nv scope & see if they're holding garands or m14s;if you go spelunking,you may find a full auto daewoo 9mm pistol stashed
around(filipino version of a 93r);
when you're in manila, try to visit the different gun shops & talk shop w/the owners->i've fired full auto makarovs, cz52, m14pistols,etc. for the price of a buffet lunch.


New member
Art Eatman, thank you very much for your good comments. Being a Filipino like me is proud to hear comments such as yours. As you have said, "So many neat people in the PI, and just enough idiots to screw things up for the Good Guys". How I wish many Americans will visit Philippines also so that they may have their own good and bad story to tell.

Thanks to everyone for all your good and informative comments.


New member
Art Eatman, thank you for the reference. It coincides to what I have stated earlier that these groups have started as bandits and has no agenda whatsoever to negotiate on ministerial level.

Look at that, they asked a convert actor who is a former convict also who does not know nothing about political or governmental issues. I can say honestly that this Robin Padilla (the actor) was only converted to be a muslim by a person I know personally who are also bigots when this actor was in jail.

Good to hear from my government side recently that they are really having extensive campaign in the elimination of Abu Sayyaf remnants. These are termites of the country that contributes to a snail progress.


Munro Williams

New member

Got any good links for Filipino Martial Arts?
Know any arnis teachers out your way?
I'm trying to find an arnis instructor over here in Japan, rare as hen's teeth, I'll tell you. :(

Best regards


New member

Please try this site if you haven't seen it. http://www.bladeforums.com/cgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&category=6

We had a good discussion about Arnis on the mentioned site under "Filipino Martial Arts" as the two prominent Filipino Arnis Instructor were now in US i.e. Remy Presas and Ernesto Presas. I think they are in joint venture with Dan Inosanto. Ernesto Presas was my former instructor also during my college years.

Hope you find this site interesting of your interest.
