Just a Suggestion


New member
I was just browsing the forums when I had an idea that I thought I should post. I don't know if this has been suggested before, or if it's even a decent idea, but I figured it was worth a shot.

I know that the majority of SWAT readers are 21+, but I think it would be pretty cool to have a small article in the magazine written by a teenager. This article would be where said teenager would give a teens perspective on certain guns, gun laws(politically unbiased of course), and things like that.

I really think a smaller magazine or maybe an e-zine/website geared towards younger shooters would be a great venture for SWAT, but I didn't know if that would be realistic or not, so I thought I'd make the article suggestion.

Any feedback you have on this idea, good or bad, would be greatly appretiated.



New member
I agree after reading some of the posts on here i come to realize we have enough children on here to write an article. They could take turns and let a different child write each month. So there shouldn't be any trouble finding some writers.


New member
I was thinking more along the lines of a staff writer, but that is a pretty good idea rapier. I think that considering a teen oriented magazine would be a good market to consider for the future.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
As Erick mentioned, we have had articles about (and a few written by) teenagers, and probably will on a very limited basis in the future. While we’ve never been afraid of pushing the envelope in several areas, we still must focus on the majority of the folks who buy S.W.A.T.; and truthfully the number of teens is so small they barely figure into the demographics

Starting up a new magazine is a risky proposition. The last figures I saw stated that around 300 new publications are started each year. Out of that, only 10 percent will be around at the end of the year. Only 5-10 will survive two years. This represents an enormous financial risk when you consider staff overheads, printing costs, circulation costs, distribution expenditures, etc., etc. To be completely frank, I doubt the potential audience would justify the risk.


Harley Quinn

An article once in awhile, maybe?

This is SWAT guys, these children are lucky to be reading it let alone writing an article about the things that are mostly covered.

I consider the Mag just a little left of Mercenary stuff, on some of the articles, and a little right of Atilla the Hun on others.

Don't get me wrong I like the mag and I am all for it, but if I want to read a childs view on these topics, I certainly would not expect it from a magazine called SWAT. Special Weapons and Tactics right?

If you are looking for childs views check out a "paint ball mag".

By the way I got my April issue yesterday right with the NRA, same day nice surprise.

I am on the west coast and we usually have a lag time. Not this time though.
