Just a question about HiPoint .380


New member
I don't want to start another multipage thread war, but simple question for HiPoint or ex-Hipoint owners. I was looking into getting a .380comp from highpoint as a range gun for my wife (and for me to fool around with of course). I seen a new Highpoint for a little over $100, and I figured its cheap and with the compensator it will have low recoil. is it worth it or not?

Te Anau

New member
Due to their weight,a Hi-Point has low recoil regardless of whether or not you have a compensator.Id get this one as it only costs a few dollars more than the .380 :barf: and the additional funds will quickly be saved in reduced ammo costs.
From HP's website.....
Consumers already recognize the 9mm Compact as an exceptional value in its category. Now polymer technology has allowed us to take this popular handgun one step farther. The 9mm Polymer is ¼ lb. lighter than our original 9mm Compact. At 29 oz., this all-weather handgun boasts an even smoother action, reduced recoil, and a scratch resistant frame.
*New rear peep sight for handguns shipped with each gun. All Hi-Point firearms now shipped with dual lock trigger. .


New member
+1 on getting the 9mm. The guns are the same size, and 9mm ammo is much less expensive than .380. The difference in the recoil isn't that much either. I wouldn't bother with the compensator either. It just makes the gun bigger and noiser.

My wife shoots our 9mm Hi-Point a lot, and loves it. She's not as crazy about my Kel-Tec P-11, (9mm also) because it kicks pretty hard.