Jury duty & CCW

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New member
Yes I know you can't carry in a courthouse. In Phoenix, you usually have to walk 3 blocks thru skid row after parking. I have heard, nothing officially, that you can check your arm with the guard at the door. This may very from state to state. Does anyone have any knowledge about this?

Yankee Doodle

New member
I don't know AZ law, but most courts are usually maintained by the Sheriff's Office. Considering who your Sheriff is, I would give Sheriff Joe's office a call and ask them.


New member
Our courthouse as lock box's you lock your CCW in before you go into the courtroom. As stated, give your local Sheriff's department a call.


New member

... the OP indicated that the courthouse is in a dangerous part of town, and so he very specifically wants his CCW for the 3 block walk from parking to the courthouse.

That being the case, I don't think he has any desire to leave the weapon at home.

James K

Member In Memoriam
He might not have a choice. If there is no provision for a place to leave it, and he can't carry in the courthouse, then he has to leave it home. The alternative is to ask to be excused from jury duty, but if he gives his real reason he might be in contempt. There should be a contact number on the summons to call with any questions.



New member
Jim Keenana...

... you are right, but that's why he's asking the question.

Your answer about calling the info number on the summons, and Yankee Doodle's advice to call Joe Arapaio's office are probably the best options for the OP.


New member
I don't know if you will be able to use the lock boxes; those are USUALLY reserved for S.O. and P.D. (At least here in Georgia they are). Like they said, call ahead of time and ask. My thinking is that they are going to tell you to leave it in your car.


If you don't want to risk having to walk back and put it in the car then you need to call the specific courthouse concerned and ask them. There's no other accurate answer possible.

Barring the happy coincidence of someone who currently works at the specific courthouse in question answering this thread we're just going to pool our ignorance which will get the OP no closer to having useful information.

Even a recent visitor can't answer the question unless he was just there in the last few days. Policies change.
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