Jurors Say Dad Justified For Firing His Gun


New member
Jurors Say Dad Justified For Firing His Gun
At School!
Submitted by: Chicagofarmer
Instructions to the jury said a person can be found
not guilty if he acts to defend himself or another
person. These common-sense jurors spent little time
finding Artis Hartwick NOT GUILTY of violating
several laws relating to possession of and firing
a gun at school to defend his son.

"A jury acquitted Hardwick, 43, who said he fired
once into the air as his son was beaten by a gang
of teens at Glades Central High School. 'I never
intended to hurt anybody. I just wanted to make
them scatter, and they scattered all right,'
Hardwick said from home Tuesday night. 'I told
the truth. I feel born again.'"

KABA Note: We need more juries like this one --
intelligent people who can see the simplicity of
a father protecting his son when school and
public officials aren't doing so.

Interestingly, this took place in the Palm Beach
County, Florida school district. "Palm Beach
County School District Police Chief Jim Kelly
called the jury's finding 'unbelievable,'
particularly the acquittals for possession and
discharging of a weapon on school property."

"'To bring it (a gun) on and not be held
accountable for that, sounds like a little
examination of state laws have to be made to
see what's wrong,' Kelly said." What's wrong
is that you don't understand the natural Law
of self defense and the highest law of the
land, Bud. The father should be suing you for
letting thugs beat his son on property on your

Mr. Kelly understands that the father saved his
son a serious beating -- or worse -- but he still
wants the father convicted. Maybe he is still
sore that he couldn't get that pesky "chad" to
go all the way through the Presidential ballot.

How about we email Mr. Kelly and let hime know what we think. Make sure you put, To: Mr. Kelly, in the subject block. This may be a general email to a seceratary.


I just got a failure to deliver notice on the above email so it may be wrong. I got it from Officer.com's department listing for Palm Beach. Try anyway, it could just be my mail server.

[Edited by leedesert on 04-12-2001 at 11:56 AM]


New member
Maybe he is still
sore that he couldn't get that pesky "chad" to
go all the way through the Presidential ballot.


new bumbersticker seen in Florida, "Gun Owners have no problem punching Paper" :D

Mouth of Sauron

New member
A man fires once into the air to dispurse a gang of kids beating up his own son at his own school, and then the school police chief finds it un-thinkable the father wasn't punished?!

This begs the question of why the police chief isn't able to prevent students from being physically assaulted.
The only criticism raised is the bullet's final resting place. Other than that, his actions in defending another, in this case his son, from great bodily injury is entirely justifiable. Thank goodness the jury has more sense than the school board, it's district police chief and the prosecuting attorney.