Judge Riess Recuses Herself


New member
I came across the story about Judge Riess recusing herself 1st, Then found the rest of the storys.

Fatal Hunting Accident

Hunter Charged

John Riess Story

Judge Riess Recuses Self from Fatal Hunting Case

While diggig up storys I found one that isn't fit to link to.
It involves a .45 Auto:eek: (totaly unrelated)(?)
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New member
I agree with what one Judge said that If you shoot a guy becasue you didn't properly identify your target, you deserve a 1 year prison sentence. Why anyone would shoot at something that they saw moving out of the corner of their eye without identifying it first is beyond me. It violates the "know what's behind your target" rule of shooting... heck, it supercedes it, know what your target IS, AND what's behind it.

Not wearing orange clothing on the part of the victim didn't help, but it's no excuse.


New member
Not wearing orange clothing on the part of the victim didn't help, but it's no excuse.

It is hard to believe there are states that don't mandate safety orange.
It is almost imposable to see another hunter in camo when you are about to take a shot.
You miss your intended target and someone gets hit, you do time.

I agree with what one Judge said that If you shoot a guy because you didn't properly identify your target, you deserve a 1 year prison sentence.

Here are the storys that goes with that judges statement.

1 year isn't enough for either one!



New member
You are missing the whole point of camo if you don't understand about wearing orange. Camo is about not being seen. In point of fact though deer see movement not necessarily color. Camo doesn't effect the deer as much as not moving. Orange is for other hunters who are too stupid not to shoot at unknown targets. It's like mandating helmets on motorcycle riders. It doesn't stop accidents but it makes cleanup easier.


New member
Orange is for other hunters who are too stupid not to shoot at unknown targets.

So many comments came to mind that I will not express,
But the Orange I wear is for "ME".
One can have a target full identified, then, and prior to that Identify what is beyond that said target. If I were wearing camo, I will most likely not be seen. In fact even with orange clothing and jumping up and down, (although just dropping down would be the best bet) I might not be seen when an inexperienced or shoot hungry hunter has taken aim.


New member
This is the latest press info I have found on this case,


Another link from a Blog,


The affidavit in the case raises some interesting points. Written by Det. Corporal Paul Locke of the Milton Police Department, it is an interview with Madden and Michael Jenkins who was the third person hunting deer that day.
According to court documents, Madden and David and Michael Jenkins (they are unrelated) conducted a three-person push (or drive) with Madden keeping watch over a clearing in the woods.
Madden apparently met up with Michael Jenkins at the clearing, and then, Locke writes:
"At this time Michael was sitting on the ground while Timothy was standing up. Timoth advised Michael was looking through his rifle scope and said 'What's that?' Timothy advised he pulled his rifle up and looked through his scope also. Michael then said 'Looks like a coyote.' Timothy advised he too agreed it looked like a coyote. Timothy advised the coyote was moving from the left side of the clearing toward the right side of the clearing behind a downed birch tree. Timothy advised the coyote was grey in color with its back nearly the same height as that of the downed birch tree that it was slowly walking behind. Timothy advised he fired ,,,,,,,,,,,.