Judge Joe Brown; "you Are Better Off With A Gun"


New member
I was watching Judge Joe Brown today. There was a case where he was admonishing owners of Rotwiellers who got out and attacked a neighbor.
Judge Joe said " for protection you would be better off with a gun; they don't go off unless you pull the trigger" Kudos Judge Joe! :cool:


New member
hmm saw that one a little while ago also saw judge judy episode a long time ago whare a girl said she was so terified that her roomate owned a firearm judy said "oh come on their is no reason you should be afraid of a gun if it's just in the house"


New member
Man oh man! I've been making fun of the commercials for Judge Joe every time they come on. No more! He's moved up several notches on my list!

JJ too if she really said that.