Joined the GOA today.


New member
Being a longtime member of both the National Rifle Association and the Illinois State Rifle Association, I figured why not take another step and join the Gun Owners of America.... It couldn't hurt. :)


New member
My personal humble opinion is that having one national organization is the best way to go. But, lacking that, having several different organizations working towards the same goal is the next best step. That would help draw more people into the fight. As long as they do not end up fighting among themselves and doing the enemy's work for them.


GOA is the best bang for your buck. They make NRA look absolutely moderate.


I must disagree. You might notice that when the media and anti-gunners mouth off about the 'gun lobby', they always limit their attack to the NRA. It makes it easier on the antis to have one bogey man, just as it made it easier on Clinton when Janet Reno kept assigning cases to Ken Starr. Starr was already villified. It is much tougher to villify six different Special Prosecutors.

How inconvenient it would be if the antis and the press had to say, NRA, GOA, JPFO, SAF, CCRKBA,, , and a host of other local groups. The antis *want* one target.

For me, I am a dues-paying member of all of the above (although I am late on my JPFO dues).

$35 per year for one NRA membership isn't much of a fight for freedom. Try saving enough to buy membership in each of the above national groups, and join (or form) a local group. Then, whenever you see a pro-RKBAer selling raffle tickets, don't blow him off. Buy them.

Is, say, $200 per year too much to ask from us? Our enemies are billionaires. Damn good thing we have data and the Framers on our side, with the pathetic amount of effort that gun owners put out to defend liberty (and not just RKBA).
