Joined the 642 and S&W club today


New member
So this 642 is my first S&W. I have a GP-100 and have had a Security Six and SP-101 and have always been biased towards them until today. Not to say I don't love the GP-100 but I have a new found respect for S&W revolvers. It's like comparing a Clydesdale and a Tennessee Walker. I know the Ruger will work after being hit by a cruise missle but the Smith has an elegance to it's looks and mechanics that is inspiring even to a ruger fan.


New member
who knows

Seems a lot of folks like to put S&W's down... I grew up with two S&W 38's and both were what I thought were normal... now I realize they were above average. I own only 3 revolvers... a colt, a Sauer & sons single action and a S&W model 19 with a 4" barrel ... when you hold the S&W you know you are holding a work of art.... work the action and you can feel that somemore work went inside... it feels and works perfectly...
there is no finer piece of work in my opinion than a well made S&W revolver. I'm glad it's once again gun owner politically correct to own one.


New member
I know the Ruger will work after being hit by a cruise missle but the Smith has an elegance to it's looks and mechanics that is inspiring even to a ruger fan.
I am also a new SW club member...I think Rugers are over-rated when it comes to being hit by a cruise missle. Like you, I also own a GP-100, which is a nice gun, a Service Six which is OK, and I used to own an SP-101 with it's trigger from hell!!!

I agree with you 100% on the elegance and mechanics of the SW revolver.
I own a 625jm, 629MG, 29-2, M66, and a M36. I am seriously considering this one for about $725.00. Think it's worth it??? Anyone??? 45 minutes to go on the auction. It wont take much of a push. Damn this addiction.!!! :D
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New member
Rich, I am joining the very same club today after work. After my loooooong wait, I pick up the 642 today!


ps-you don't ride a Kawasaki do you?


New member
You're going to enjoy the pistol. Since I am old fashioned and like to have a hammer on my pistol, I went with the S&W 637 which is my favorite for discreet pocket carry.

mtn. man

New member
Hello fellers
A newbie here and a hillbilly gun collector and shooter. I've always liked the Rugers and still do. Along with several CZ'S AND A Browning or two.
I wound up with an OLD mdl. 36 a while back whitch i intended to sell.
But after cleaning and shooting it i'm hooked. Any snub that shoots this well after years of mistreatment has my vote.
And in my book the mdl.36 still packs a good wallop in a small package.


New member
Gotta love that 642 :D I picked up one this spring to replace my old model 37 for summer carry. Great little pocket gun! I also have a 2.5" model 19 :cool: that is a joy to carry. As a matter of fact it's going to the range with me tomorrow.