Joined the 1911 crowd...


New member
Today I went down to the local shop with my father, and we picked up a Springfield G.I. Spec 1911. Price was around $450, and after getting it home and doing an initial cleaning, it looks like quite a nice pistol. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but I'll be sure to fill everyone in once I do. This is going to be a sort of "introductory" pistol to get my father started with shooting, and I'll eventually be transferring it over to him. He and I like the similarity of this piece to the original G.I. 1911's, and I think we'll have a lot of fun with this one.

One thing I did quickly discover though, is that my SIG is just a bit easier to field strip. ;)
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New member
Sigs are nice guns! Just wish you started with a little nicer 1911. The G.I.s are the basic 1911. The SA loaded for just $200 more is a real nice gun. Even a basic Kimber Classic 1 for $600 is a real nice gun.

Good luck with your new 1911. Watch out for hammer bite! I know my 220 gave me hammer bite a few times with +p loads but not real bad.


New member
Well, we looked at a whole range of 1911's from different manufacturers (including Kimber, Colt, S&W, etc.), and price really wasn't a main factor when selecting this G.I. Spec. As I said, we both liked the strong similarity to the original WWII weapon, and the overall basic, simple, "no frills" aspect of it. It's not going to be a self-defense or carry weapon, more of just a plinker. I think it should end up being a nice choice.


New member
You are going to have a great time with the 1911. It is such a great design and so much fun to shoot that you will be out of ammo before you thought you got started good.

Good Choice!


New member
The barrel bushing wrench is definitely on the list of items to pick up, especially since it's so inexpensive (makes me wonder why it wasn't included with the gun). I think I may order one along with some other items using the Springfield "rebate coupon" that came in the case.


New member
Cool isn't it... Just joined recently myself, again. (second time around - had to sell first 1911 a few years ago. :( ) Good to be back - I think you made a good choice in buying that SA - I prefer and got the loaded version myself, but nothing wrong with that GI!


New member
Besides the cosmetic differences I believe the SA GI models are similar in quality to their regular Mil-Spec models and "Loaded" models. With the "Loaded" you're getting a Beavertail, front serrations, Novak sights, Delta hammer, and other more modern additions that 1911 fans like these days. As far as overall quality you're getting the same gun.


New member
Besides the cosmetic differences I believe the SA GI models are similar in quality to their regular Mil-Spec models and "Loaded" models. With the "Loaded" you're getting a Beavertail, front serrations, Novak sights, Delta hammer, and other more modern additions that 1911 fans like these days. As far as overall quality you're getting the same gun.

Modern additions they are.

The SA loaded for just $200 more is a real nice gun. Even a basic Kimber Classic 1 for $600 is a real nice gun.

There are some people that shoot the Mil-Spec versions better. For whatever reason, I shoot my Gov't Model Colt better than the Springers and Kimbers with all of the "modern features".


New member
Pfft, I'm proud of my grip safety and the red mark that develops on my hand after an extended range session, its like a badge of honor from shootin' a 1911. :)

As for front serrations? They strike me as having all the same utility as the guy who puts a fart can and a hood scoop on his Honda Civic.


New member
We took a trip to the range yesterday evening, and put a quick box through the G.I. and another through my 226. I was very happy with how the 1911 performed. We experienced no feeding or extracting problems (using inexpensive Fiocchi 230 gr. FMJ) and the accuracy, trigger pull, and overall operation were quite good. So far, my father and I are both very happy with this pistol. Best of all, he thoroughly enjoys shooting it, which is great since this is his introduction to shooting.


New member
Welcome to the dark side!

I felt the same about Field Stripping a 1911 at first

Now it is secoond nature...and while not nearly as simple as my almost as fast

FYI .............the front lip on the bottom of the magazine fits just perfect as a field expedient "bushing wrench"

JMB was a genius!