Join the NRA for $25 and get a $25 gift card for Bass Pro Shops

Metal god

New member
I just got a life time membership for $600 today . Give them a call and ask about it . •You can contact the NRA via phone at: NRA Member Programs 1-800-672-3888


New member
How does the "Easy Pay Life (EPL)" work? I don't have a lot of extra cash (I know I am not alone) and I qualify for the Junior, Distinguished and
Other Memberships being a disabled Veteran. Would it be $25 now and 14 payments of $25 or if I did it quarterly 3.5 payments of $100?

Curious if anyone has done this option?

I just joined the SAF and am due to renew my NRA membership.

Metal god

New member
I did the $25 every 3 months . Or you can do $25 every month . For my life time membership they took a $25 payment over the phone and that got me started . They are sending me my paper work and my next $25 payment is due in 3 months . Piece of cake they want the members .When you get a normal priced life time membership you get a leather jacket with it . You do not get the leather jacket for the $600 membership .


New member
How does the "Easy Pay Life (EPL)" work? I don't have a lot of extra cash (I know I am not alone) and I qualify for the Junior, Distinguished and
Other Memberships being a disabled Veteran. Would it be $25 now and 14 payments of $25 or if I did it quarterly 3.5 payments of $100?

Curious if anyone has done this option?

I did a $750 EPL membership, about 5 years ago.
You pay $25 per quarter ($100 / year), until you reach the full cost of membership.

I paid between $50 and $100 each time they billed me (I skipped the auto-pay and paid by check).
When I had something like $575 paid, they re-introduced their Life-Member sponsor discount, where you could get a life member to sponsor you and get a life membership for only $300.

I gave them a call, had them transfer the $575 into the cheaper promotion, and that was that. (I didn't get a refund, but also didn't really care. It still saved money.)

....The $300 sponsored life membership is still available, I believe.


New member
I'm not a fan of the NRA, but we have to join one of the 2nd Amendment advocacy groups given what we're up against, so I re-joined with this offer.


New member
i last joined during the clinton admin, i guess its now or never. Does SAF run any similar deals?


New member
FREE , cant beat that ! Kudos to basspro and the NRA on it. Everyone should pass this on to everyone they know.

The NRA isn't perfect, that is for sure, but the more members they have, the more power they have, the less they will need to compromise. Imagine if all or even half of the gun owners out there belonged to the NRA. It would be a force that helped to dictate what the legislation will be instead of having to play defense all the time.

Thanks for joining up!

Like Rmart30, let's pass this around to everyone you know and get some more money and weight for the NRA to throw around in DC and help protect our rights. Feinstein introduces her AWB 2.0 in 2 days and Carolyn McCarthy is introducing a magazine limit type legislation in the House. Our response needs to be a strong one. I don't want to see gun owners give an inch!

Thanks guys!


New member
Make sure you select the right payment option for you. I used the NRA's link from Facebook and it did not have any Easy Pay Life Member options. I went through the payment and was looking/waiting for the easy pay option to pop up? It never did. I had to wait a week to get all but the $25 payment back from the NRA and spent well over 3 hours on hold on the phone!:eek:

It's all good now.