Join the NRA as White House prepares for more gun control


New member
The NRA has reported that the White House has made it clear that in the very near future there will be new initiatives on gun control. This should come as no surprise since prior to his election as President, Barack Obama was a strong supporter of gun control. There was never a single gun control bill in the Illinois legislature that he did not vote for, and he voted against every pro-gun measure that ever reached the floor of the state Senate. As an individual there is not much one can do to resist this upcoming effort by the President, but by joining the NRA you can add your voice to the strongest advocacy group for 2nd amendment rights.


obama is now reduced to doing everything he thinks is great like gun control through regulation and agency enforcement - e.g. the lying report from BATF on shotgun importation. I noticed they only quoted sen. Dodd with an attributed non-sense statement in keeping with his chatacter. I read the same report, i.e. that obama is commited to "gun control" regulation. It will happen.


New member
He won't be able to get a bill through the House, but I am willing to bet he'll do executive orders attacking imports, like Clinton and Bush Sr., IIRC.
We've had this discussion at least once before in the past week, Silver Bullet, but you keep asking the same question...

1. Individual Democrats, the known foes of firearms rights, are preparing their "tragedy legislation." Any idiot should be able to understand that people like Charles Schumer and Barbara Boxer are self-serving opportunists who jump on opportunities like this.

2. Despite people like Schumer and Boxer, NO, and I repeat NO, changes have been made to the Democrats national party platform. None.

3. People like Schumer and Boxer (as are Republicans) are free to propose any legislation they care to WITHOUT permission or sanction from the national party. Sure, it's nice to have buy in on it, but they don't, so once again, there is NO Democratic national party platform stance on firearms.

4. Despite what NRA claims, there's no solid indication at the moment that Obama is going to move on gun control. Newsweek has been very badly wrong before.

5. But, even if Obama DOES move on gun control, are you really surprised? At this point, 2 years into his term, what does he really have to lose at this particular moment in time? Not a lot.

6. And, the final point, Obama, while the titular leader of the Democratic party, doesn't craft the platform for the entire party either. Like Schumer and Boxer, he's free to take actions and propose legislation that are outside of the official party position.

Finally, in the last week you've asked this question THREE times as far as I can tell.


Are you somehow getting some kind of gratification from the fact that someone else might be wrong and you might be right?

If you are, you have a funny way of showing it, simply asking the question and scooting and failing to come back to engage in any meaningful dialog on the subject.


You've asked your question three times now.

Third time is the charm, do NOT ask it again, as by asking the same pointed question and failing to come back, that's a pretty clear indication that you're only interested in trolling other members as a means of trying to show just how big and meaty and intelligent you think your brain is on this particular subject.

That doesn't cut it here.

You show how big and intelligent and meaty your brain is on the subject by ENGAGING in a back and forth dialog with your fellow members in one of the three threads in which you've posted your little dig.

So... short answer, engage, or go away.
But, even if Obama DOES move on gun control, are you really surprised? At this point, 2 years into his term, what does he really have to lose at this particular moment in time? Not a lot.
As far as the very proposal, I'm not surprised. This is a President who has emulated, at times, FDR and JFK. Why not also throw LBJ into the pot as well? After all, the 1968 GCA was passed by a lame-duck President and a lame-duck Congress.

Of course, the landscape is very different today from what it was in 1968. They can propose whatever they want: passage is virtually impossible.