John Walsh

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New member
Hi folks, Im new here. Just thought Id add my 2 cents after seeing John Walsh clarify his agenda on TV the other day. Heres an E-mail i sent him. Perhaps yall may wanna express yourselves to him also.

Subj: Jerry Springer of Crime Control??
Date: 8/31/01 8:32:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Henry156

Mr Walsh,
I used to respect you until I saw your interveiw on TV today. With your remarks about weapons that can drop an elephant at 300 yards, which no one should have,napalm, and the bomb that Tim McVeigh had...( as if he bought a bomb at wallmart) ..........what the hell did that have to do with the police officer getting shot in California? Were you implying that we need stronger gun control to keep this kinda thing from happening?? Wasn't that precisely what the officers were doing.. enforcing a Federal law? And doesnt the state of California presently have some of the most restrictive state laws concerning firearms ownership? As im sure u know, napalm is just jellied gasoline and can be made simply by adding a little polystyrene foam to it. Tim McVeighs "bomb" was common fertilizer mixed with deisel fuel. (he didnt get it at wallmart) Either you are stupid or you have you own agenda which has nothing to do with solving crimes and catching bad guys. I was ashamed to see you try to use the death of this police officer to promote it. I think your time and energy could be better spent finding bad guys and missing persons than pushing you own agendas.

Jason Demond

New member
I hate to say this but he has built his entire career exploiting his dead son! Now we are the bad guys because we own guns, Come on my sympathy only goes so far. I have got to the point where I can’t enjoy anything on television anymore, The only thing I do watch anymore is the Fox News Channel on Dishnet.:mad: :barf:


New member
He's a freaking looney-tunes. I emailed his AMW website and told him I would be encouraging a boycott of his show and anything else he was involved in.
And what's with that stupid leather jacket he wears EVERYWHERE?
News flash,'s freaking AUGUST! Take the damn jacket off...


New member
He wears the leather jacket to conceal his firearm. Probably the Permit was supplied by Sarah Brady with the help of Chuckie Shummer. Dirtballs stick together to accomplish their tasks.

Herr Walther

New member
John Walsh is full of ****. When his show first aired I used to watch it. Now all it is is another whining hearts liberal media outlet for Mr. John Walsh.

Cry me a f**ckin' river, please.

Amazing that you can make millions on the death of your son.


New member

it is a shame that the gun control lobby can't find a logical leg on which to stand... The Brady Bill banned high capacity magazines in "assault weapons" when brady himself i believe was shot with a 5-shot snubnose revolver.... the anti-gun lobby is a bit...... illogical


New member
Why do we keep digging up these ancient threads?

Hippies last activity on the site was in 2002. I wouldn't expect a response from him...


New member
When writing a letter in which you're trying to make a profound point, saying things like "As im sure u know" does a lot to damage the credibility of what you have to say.

That said, I have no idea who John Walsh is.


New member
That said, I have no idea who John Walsh is.
Americas most wanted has been on the air for 22 years and nearly 1000 episodes. Have you never seen the show? He is the host.
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