John Walsh show

aikidoka - mks

New member
I just caught the tale end of this segment. This guy had his teenage kids handling firearms at home and there were people in the audience whose kids had been killed because they were at a home where they got access to firearms. So of course, he was attacked. Since I didnt see the beginning - was this guy responsible with his guns? People seemed to be saying you shouldnt have any guns in the house if kids are going to be there. You cant control what your kids are going to have access to at someone else's house. What if your 6 yr old is at someone's house - blah blah. I would think you use the NRA training program for kids so you dont have to worry like that. Did anyone see the entire segment?




New member
I have a 13 year old daughter and a 10 year old daughter and guns have been in the house their whole life and will continue to be no matter what some puke on tv says about it. I.M.O. you must first instill respect for your property and areas like your bedroom. My kids won't go in our bedroom unless asked to. My guns are locked in a safe except for my HD weapon which resides in a hidden place when the wife and I retire for the evening. I taught my children way early in life that guns are not toys. If you try and hide them and don't discuss them with your children then they will be much more curious I.M.O. , then if you are open about it. If some blissniny type asked my kids how they feel about having guns in the house they would reply that dad having them makes them feel safer and that I am taking steps to protect them. If I have my way they will be outshooting me before long. As far as kids go it's about how YOU raise them and not what happened to someone else whom you have no idea how they raised their kids. OK rant over.;)

Futo Inu

New member
Someone posted on TFL once (hearsay - I didn't see it myself) that on one of the old America's Most Wanted Episodes, he was describing a crime that had happened with the perp using a Uzi I think it was (possibly an Ingram) - anyway, his comment was something like "these guns have large capacity, 9mm magazines, AND SHOULD BE BANNED" (emphasis mine). WTH?


New member
Futo,I think that was when Buford Furrow shot up the Jewish Day Care Center.John Walsh said something like,"no one needs one of those".


New member
I think the guy on the show was an NRA instructor and had given his kids quite a bit of training. One of the arguments against him was "what if one of your kids got mad at a friend and shot them" the whole audience started applauding and going wild after that like it was a logical statement. I wish I would have watched the whole show, but only caught the last part and wasn't paying too much attention to it. Ironically though, I was cleaning my 1911 at the time.

aikidoka - mks

New member
Yep the crowd sure seemed a bit biased against gun ownership in the little bit I saw - such a surprise <scarcasm off>. I really hate it when people use emotion as a trump card over reason and logic.


New member
Sounds familiar

the whole audience started applauding and going wild

Anybody remember the Morton Downey Junior Show???

My guess is that anyone who is a guest on the show and opposes the view of the host or it's producers will never be able to get a word in edgewise to defend themselves...