John Walsh gave a new washing machine to a guy who shot his?


New member
John Walsh just had a guy on his show who shot his washing machine 3 times with a .25 pistol. I didn't see the whole thing. I was flipping through channels and stopped when I saw bullet holes in a washing machine.

The guy was telling the story about how he got mad and shot the washing machine and the police came and confiscated his pistol. The audience was laughing and no one seemed disturbed by it at all. The guy was saying that the police were amused by it and complimented his group and asked if he is a target shooter. Then John Walsh gave him a new washing machine for being a "good sport".

Did anyone see the whole story? Maybe I missed something, but the audience seemed delighted by the story, not fearful and shocked at the use of an evil firearm to destroy an innocent washing machine.

Anyone else see this?

Futo Inu

New member
I didn't see it, but

So let me get this straight: (Assuming this guy is shooting in the house, with no good backdrop - dunno) John Walsh thinks it's cute to be an irresponsible idjit, but that there's no legitimate use for Uzis, and so they should be banned? Antis are so screwed in the head - they can't recognize the difference between dangerous BEHAVIOR and a so-called dangerous weapon. And the message is "take the guy's gun, so he won't be dangerous anymore", but reward his irresponsible behavior by giving him a gift - just so long as he's disarmed. :rolleyes:

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Why would he need a new washing machine? A little white touch-up paint where the .25 rounds hit (presumably causing small chips in the ceramic coating) and his old one's as good as new. :rolleyes:

Seriously, what's wrong with John Walsh? Does he just not get how stupid he looks when he does things like this?


New member
.25 against a washing machine? Everyone at the gun shoppe knows you need at least a 9mm.:rolleyes:

"In this issue of Guns & B***s*** our expert panel of gun hacks in flowered shirts debate the merits of various calibers against household appliances. Also, we live action photos of appliances being shot at the Betersyn Ranch."


New member
Actually, the .25 made some pretty impressive looking holes in the machine. I was surprised when they said it was a .25. They showed a picture of the gun with mag removed too. I couldn't make out what it was, but it looked like it was pretty old. Maybe a Baby Browning or something.

BTW, there didn't appear to be a safe backstop.

Hey, I need a new computer...I wonder if John Walsh would buy me one if I shot mine?? But what caliber should I use to ensure adequate penetration and reliable expansion? :)

Didn't someone here a while ago post a video of someone shooting air conditioners with a .50 BMG rifle?