John Stossel denied CCW in NYC


New member
It would be nice if Stossel files a 2A lawsuit (I doubt he would). I would think he could theoretically fly through the lower Federal Courts since Kachalsky is the law of the 2nd circuit. The district and 2nd circuits wouldn't need much time to throw opinions together. Then he could petition SCOTUS for review, and I believe his "need" is much better than Kachalsky's and his position as a nationally known reporter would indeed push the issue to larger proportions than it is now, and make this harder for SCOTUS to deny cert.


New member
Ridiculous process but I didn't hear where he was denied CCW in the video. Did I miss something? If he was denied, it seems to me that it would be a good case to challenge the NYC law.


New member
He said he wanted a carry permit several times. The NYC PD told him he could get a license to have it in his home.
Edit: That video was an abbreviated version. I will put the full version in the OP.


New member
Press, I'll take your word for it about the denial. No need to mess with other video on my account. It would seem to be a very good case to challenge the NYC law.


New member
Already done-it's much better explained on this video.

Any way to push NRA or SAF to take up a new lawsuit with Stossel as lead plaintiff?


New member
Boy, that sounds like a natural combination for a successful legal reply to NY laws.
All it takes is money.
Lots and lots of money.
If the SAF would pursue this one, I would donate, fur sure.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I feel much safer now if I visit NYC. I was worried about him wandering the street.

So much for the SCOTUS decisions turning antigun places into gun heaven. I guess Wily Old Bird Scalia missed the boat.


New member
I wouldn't want to see Stossel with a gun myself. If his shooting was as far off as his reporting, no one would be safe.


Buzzcook said: I wouldn't want to see Stossel with a gun myself. If his shooting was as far off as his reporting, no one would be safe.

Good thing that Buzzcook doesn't get to decide who can own guns...

I agree this would make a great lawsuit and I'm certain Stossel has the money for it, or could get the backing and press.


New member
I feel much safer now if I visit NYC. I was worried about him wandering the street.
Be careful, I bet he's still carrying a pen or two. Those are mightier than the sword from what I've read....


New member
Those of you still IN NYC that agree should have moved out by now

with the shift in demographics and voting patterns in Florida you might be looking to move in the not too distant future
Those of you still IN NYC that agree should have moved out by now
It's simply not an option for some folks to just get up and move, and that's not really a helpful suggestion. If everyone opposed to the state's laws just left, there'd be no one left to contest them.

Mr. James

New member
Mr. Servo,

Sorry for this late reply, but I agree. There have been times when moving was simply not on the table. Some friends and I have discussed abandoning the Old Dominion(!), especially after the election of a clean slate of . . . well, never mind. And we have very good gun laws. Some of us figured we'd stay and fight. God bless you guys in New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, California, etc. for keeping up the good fight.

The Stossel story is absurd. He has death threats. Give him his "permit."


Emily Miller; The Washington Times....

I recall journalist Emily Miller of the DC area; Washington Times documenting her process to get a new valid CCW permit for the District of Columbia.
A few of her blog posts were interesting.
