John Lott is on Politically Incorrect


New member
unfortunately, i got a phone call midway through, right as the gun talk was kicking off. It looked like he was blowing the opposition away -- ann coulter (wowowwow, talk about a babe) and Lott's main opposition was the guy who plays Paul Lassiter on Spin City. It was . .like watching tigers bat at a mouse, very cool :)

one thing, though ..what's up with lott's eyebrows?


New member
Lott failed to jump on when Bill said how countries with less guns have less deaths,Lott should have mentioned Mexico,Venezulela,El Slavador,Swaziland,Estonia,etc.John Lott let Bill get away with comparing the U.S. to just a few bland countries.


New member
I missed it. I was in the midst of a gun debate with the guy across the hall (very very frustrating). A side note, it was started by my new molon labe hat. This could prove interesting, or it could make me just stop wearing the hat. Anyway, is there a transcript somewhere?


New member
Lott and Coulter did OK. They at least got their main points in before Maher started ranting irrationally. It sounded like they had some audience support. They didn't really have a chance to rebut the claim that they believed that "everyone" should carry a gun, but that's life when you go on a liberal talk show. That Maher claims to be a libertarian or politically incorrect in any way is a joke. He's a liberal lap dog. I hadn't seen the show since it left comedy central and now I remember why.


Member In Memoriam
Ever since that clueless raver Maher jumped to ABC, he has had his nose firmly screwed up the liberal backside of the network bosses. The only joke on 'Politically Incorrect' is the title of the program. It should be 'Propagandically Correct'.
It does serve one useful offers a venue wherein show-biz liberal/antigunners clearly self-identify. We can hear them condemn themselves in their own words.
Unfortunately my stomach is weak: I wouldn't view the program even to see Lott make monkeys of monkeys. It's nice to get a review here.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
My wife would rather I not watch "PI" any more.

When I watched the show with Heston, Liddy, Nugent, and that dumbass Elaine Boosler as guests, I started yelling at the screen. I lost it when Boosler said all the NRA members were selfish because we just liked to sit on the back porch in our T-shirts and shoot at tin cans in the back yard. Our guy's were interrupted before they could even finish a sentence. She got all the time she wanted, to say that children were going to the grave because gun owners are "selfish". She said that she "didn't need a gun, nobody comes to MY house with a weapon
to do me harm. When people come to MY house they bring a pound cake or a bottle of wine".



New member

Pawcatch! I suspect that was meant to be Switzerland.

Most African countries have rather stringend gun control when it comes
to more than hunting rifles.


New member
That's my point mussi,Swaziland has very strict gun control and has about 80 homicides per 100,000 people.In fact all those countries I mentioned have homicide rates higher than the U.S. and have strict gun laws.

Keith J

New member
Great show

Lott was razor sharp and Coulter (grrrrr, what a woman!)nailed the case shut. I liked her political ideas before last night. I love (in more ways than one) her firearms stance.

Brains, a body like that and shoots? There has to be something wrong......

Long Path

New member
I knew about Lott, but...

Ann Coulter is new to me. Wow. Heckuva neat lady.

Coulter biography

How To Talk To A Liberal




New member
There are transcripts of the show at the PI website (I don't have the address, but you can search for it).

Basically the pro-gun people slaughtered the anti-gun people, and the crowd cheered heavily at the pro-gun logic.

And, I have to agree: What was up with John Lott's eyebrows?