Jogging with pistol AND pepper spray


New member
As I was jogging the other day with my new CCW pistol, I was chased by an angry beagle sized dog. I turned and stared down the dog and then when it didnt move, I ran at it and it quickly turned tail and ran.

It occured to me that I may need a different deterrent with less lethality.

I have decided pepper spray, in addition to my CCW is the right combination.

In my jogging I run in a neighborhood, then a gravel road with woods and fields.

In the neighborhoods I get an occasional loose dog that wants to protect their turf. I really DONT want to shoot at these dogs. Pepper spray is the RIGHT first choice.

However, in the woods there are strays and coyotes and a collection of other critters that may or may not have rabies.

I have had coyotes just stand and look at me, even when I am close. Over the years, I have had MANY big dogs try and chase me (I "stare" them down.) So far, my bluffing has kept me from getting bit.

If I am in the woods part of the run, an animal of any size that comes at me in a threatening manner, is probably going to get shot. (If its a stray, tail-wagging, gentle looking dog, not so much........)

I live in a safe area of Texas, but we do have a HUGE illegal alien (not E.T.)
problem. These folks that I have encountered so far have been no threat, but you never know. Lots of crime on the border.

I use this rig. VERY comfortable for jogging. The pouch for a spare magazine is a perfect place for pepper spray.


New member
I think you made a great choice. I decided early on that I needed something in the force continuum between my fists and my gun, and I've been carrying pepper spray ever since.

Oddly enough, one of the few times I've ever had to draw my gun was because of an angry rotweiller while I was walking with my wife and newborn daughter--the pepper spray was never even a consideration on that one.


New member
I used to carry a length of hardwood for my walks down county roads. Now it's dog spray and either a .38 snub in pocket or a .45 pistol in iwb holster.

Carne Frio

New member
Bear spray and a 10mm keep me feeling safe
when out walking or running with my dog. The
bear spray gets used almost monthly for the
aggressive dogs that try to chase us.:D


New member
Fellow Frisco resident here. I'm thinking the bear spray might be a bit excessive for the random bobcat or yote we're likely to see around here. Although, I have heard from (I need an adverb for "eh")-ly reliable sources that mountain lions have occasionally wandered through. I tell you, my gun's getting emptied into the frikin mountain lion if I ever run into one, but anything else around here should be easily enough sent on its way with a spray of something noxious. The real cougars to watch out for in this town are of the two-legged divorcee variety.

I've run into some downright FEROCIOUS raccoons though, I tell you. They're not the original high school mascot for nothing.


New member
I do as you do and always try to remember to have at least a pocket pepper spray container in addition to a gun when out walking or hiking.

Bear spray if going into country that could have bears, but it would also work for other animals and humans if need be...

Having spray is a good idea not only to deal with dogs as you note, but to deal with situations involving human aggressors where it is less than clear that you have a right to use or threaten deadly force!


New member
Regarding cougars, due to the way they hunt, you will never see one until it has it's jaws clamped around the back of your neck and it's claws buried in your back as you wonder, "What the $#%@ is that?"

Jog with a dog. If you think cougars are a problem in your area, this is the only way you'll get any forewarning so that you can deploy any weapon or deterrent.



New member
jogging w/ pistol

Well dean you sound like a BP to me. I think you made a good decision but can u tell me what kind of handgun do you use while running?
Please offer some clarification on the pistolwear holsters. It is unclear from the pictures at the website how these things actually retain the handgun. Is it a giant pouch, or is there something more formfitting that I can't see?

I have the original ActiveBody Holster that served me in good stead for years. Went to a fanny/hydration pack recently though.


New member
The holster holds the pistol snug up against your waist

I tie my laces of my sweats or shorts across the front of the
holster (middle of the pistol in the pouch) and it is comfortable and
does not jiggle or begin to droop

I do recommend 2 t-shirts though. One under the holster and one over.

I normally carry the new Bersa 40 Ultra Compact.

BUT...... because this pistol was so comfortable, I then tried my favorite pistol
the P226....... same result..... very comfortable.... AND VERY SURPRISED
because of the much larger size of the Sig

I found that the most comfortable way to position the pistol in the pouch is in the front and
to have the slide down, parallel to the ground with the handle up.

Still a quick draw.

Its a great set up for a jogger

I still use my Crossbreed for every thing else, but very happy with my "jogging"
set up


New member
I like the "jogger" pepperspray with identifying dye, red pepper, & CS tear gas for emergencies. Its real small and compact and enough for an emergency situation. Of course I have my CCW too:). I don't jog, but its good to have both for other instances. I bought the 500,000 volt sabre zapper/stun thing too but it sits in the safe + I don't know if it can be used on animals. Ok, I admit it- I just wanted to buy another toy but we got it if we need it:D


New member
I always jog with my dog and a Cold Steel knife; my dog will kill just about anything that poses a threat-Canadian Bear Hunter she is.
When I fast-pack I always carry my CCW.


New member
I used to carry a baseball or two. Used one once on a dog, he never bothered me again. I was 12 and delivered papers very early in the morning.


New member
+1 for sheepdog on the knife. A knife is perfect for a dog. It doesn't mean its not going to be inconvenient or possibly painful for you, but when a gun jams during an attack the knife can save your life.