Joe Vialis and the PAMurders.

Big Bunny

New member
Could some of you at FL take a look at Joe Vialis web-site and perhaps explain why there was no enquiry and why the facts have been empargoed illegally until the year 2028. Hell if I live until then I will know why we lost our guns after the massacre in Tasmania.

***Big Bunny***


New member
Big Bunny,

Tried my best but could not find the proverbial "iota" on Vialis.....

Do you have more info?

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.
If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.

Check out these gals:

Big Bunny

New member
Try 'PORT ARTHUR' or 'Martin Bryant' on your engine and stand back Rigby ! We feel the village idiot could not have shot 35 people from the hip as he is supposed to. Your opinion respected...but I suspect a SWOS operation.

***Big Bunny***


Moderator Emeritus
Not sure what you are asking BB...

Do you want some URLs?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Big Bunny

New member
No, I was wanting your more sophisticated opinions on the "put up job/hitman squad" that lost us our freedom in OZ over the brutal killing of 35 tourists(2 Malaysians rest OZZIES) in 1998.
I am not very computer literate and do no have the URLs... just be careful this does not happen to others in the world. I have no doubt there was a Fed Gov coverup over this as poor Martin was a mental case on prozac and did not have a gun licence !!(proof on '' site of a letter from Deputy police Commissioner in Tassie).

***Big Bunny***