JHP expansion questions


New member
I have been loading 155g jhp's (rem's)in the.40. I have noticed that when shot thru wood or when they hit hard soil they don't expand.
I had shot a round at a stump and it hit the mud and expanded very well, .69.
Question: Whats up with that?
I was under the impression that JHP's are suppose to expand in flight. Used them a lot this year and I was not very impressed. Going back to using hard cast bullets. Only going to try them one more time this spring in the 45 acp. If I do not see good results, go lead with them too. Think that there is not much better than a heavy flat nose bullets, the heaviest the cartridge and gun can handle.


Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello,sir. When a JHP hits something "hard", the material through which it is passing not only plugs the hollow point, but tends to "hold" the slug together and in its original form ..... other than to flatten the nose a bit. In "soft targets," pressure builds from the fluid's entering the hollow point and building pressure; there's also nothing to retard the slug's mushrooming out. The bullets do not deform until striking their (soft) target and most of the expansion will occur during the first inch or two of penetration as that's when the bullet's velocity is highest. Obviously, it slows and expansion decreases as it passes through any medium. Best and good shooting.


New member
With your .40 you'll leave a nice size hole even if it doesn't expand. I hear lots of folks switch to big bores and even FMJ in the winter.

By the way, many frown on using handloads for self defense. For the peace of mind I'd recommend store bought.
"An unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Cesare Beccaria, the father of modern criminology

[This message has been edited by Sport45 (edited December 15, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Sport45 (edited December 16, 1999).]


New member
I have reloaded and loaded a few rounds in the past years. It just seems that JHP's use to expand when they hit anything. My loads will go bang when the trigger is pulled. I don't like factory.

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited December 16, 1999).]


New member
shoot one round thru a gallon milk jug full
of water,maybe 2 jugs , you'll see some good expansion plus some frags too,


New member
The milk jugs work ok if you just want to see how your bullet expands under ideal conditions. If your bullet doesn't expand in water you better look for another bullet.<p>I have heard that water soaked newspapers or phone books gives close to the same expansion you would get in animal (or human) tissue. I soak the papers in a tub of water overnight, get them out and let them drain for a few hours, then pile them up vertically against a backstop. They are just a mass of wet paper pulp by then, so they are difficult and messy to handle, specially in cold weather. Phone books are much easier to handle, but harder to get enough of them. I have tested lots of HP loads this way, and I have found the results are pretty close to what I get in critters. <p>BTW, Mas Ayoob's book advises strongly against using handloads for defensive purposes because of legal problems after the shooting. He has been an expert witness at dozens of criminal and civil trials, and he believes that using reloads works against you big time, both with the cops and in court. You can't do better than factory Hydra-Shoks in my opinion.