jetfire help


New member
With in the last month in got a 950 jetfire which i love. The only problem I have had is that sometimes after the first shot the barrel pops open, like it was not fully "clicked" in. Anyone have this problem? If I remember to push and feel the click it is ok I think.



New member
Never had that problem, but I'm ALWAYS making sure the barrel is completely shut before I shoot it. ake sure the lever used to pop the barrel is clicked all the way back when you close the barrel. Otherwise the barrel may only APPEAR closed.

Just watch the lever when closing it.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Sometimes this is due to too much care in closing the barrel. Just press it down quickly and let the latch snap in place. Don't try to baby it by easing the barrel down and then releasing the thumbpiece.



New member
Love my Jetfire too. Never had this problem. But I don't shoot this little gal all that much. Never had a problem with her.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Love my Jetfire Inox, too.

I've always wondered if that barrel "flip-up" thing could happen. I agree with Jim. Just a quick snap-down until a sharp click is heard.
I don't know if it's right or wrong, however I take a Q-tip and put a little oil on the latch under the barrel. It seems to make the "pop-in" go easier. Anyway, the click is faster and louder plus I've never had a problem.


James K

Member In Memoriam
Actually, KR, if the gun has a tendency to unlatch, oiling things will make it easier for it to do so. I would keep the latch and barrel lug dry.


Doug S

New member
I previously owned a Jetfire. It was a great little pistol. 100% reliable with anything. I then purchased a Kel-Tec P-32 which has also been great. After purchasing the P-32 and getting used to shooting it, I found that when I would switch back to my Jetfire I would somehow grip the Jetfire in a way that would cause the tip-up barrel to open during recoil. This may have something to do with my being left-handed. The magazine release is on the left side. It was not a flaw of the pistol, it was my grip. It would only happen after I had been firing the P-32 and would immediately switched to the Jetfire. I've not had this happen with any other pistol. As I said the Jetfire is great, and I highly recommend it.