Jennifer Granholm(D), Defeats Dick Posthumus(R) in Michigan!

sleeping dog

New member
A dead guy would be an improvement. :)

I voted for Posthumus. The spouse voted for Granholm. He's pro-gun, she's pro-choice. The spouse and I are pro-both, but different priorities.

Granholm apparently won big among women and black voters. Many unions supported her, too, but the rank-and-file mostly don't listen to the union leaders on political issues anyway.

Hopefully she'll leave gun laws alone. I think she'll spend so much time lavishing graft on her friends that she won't have time to do anything meaningful or damaging.



New member
With the MI house and senate firmly in Republican control, MS. Granholm won't get very far with her anti ways. A very big race undecided is the AG for MI. IF we take that it will really prevent her from hurting us. Then we just have to wait paitently for her to screw-up and for the Repulicans to get a candidate with a better name and some commercials that tell what they will do for us, not just what is wrong with Jenny!


New member
Some of the Republicans are running dead guys. One of our dead state level Repubs beat the not-so-dead Libertarian by a healthy margin.

We're getting dead Repub's wife as a result.


Ron L

New member
Yeah, the mole won, but Republicans took the Hosue and Senate so hopefully that will keep her in check. It also appears that Republican Mike Cox barely squeaked by the rabid anti-2nd Amendment Peters.

I can't say I'm happy, but it could have been much worse.


New member
One way the outcome will effect our gun rights is: Cox said that if he is elected AG, one of the first things he will do is contact the AGs of the other states to get reciprocity for us.
When Grandholm was AG, she did NOTHING to help get reciprocity.

Ron L

New member
Do any of you think this will effect CCW rights?

There's a slight chance, however slim, that because the State Senate and State House went Republican, we can try to eliminate some CEZ's. We don't think JG would sign it, but we can try. There were also some pro-2nd Amendment Democrats elected. We can at least hope that JG would be stymied if she tried to enact any more stringent legislation.


New member
I am happy about the national election, for the most part, but not with the state results.

There seem to be a lot of people from Michigan here. Anybody think about putting on a TFL shoot in the state?


New member
Another Michigander tired of having the festering urban areas pull us down.
I'd be interested in a shoot but I'm in the Yoop.

Fred S

New member
Well speaking of "dead people," I wonder how many dead people in Detroit voted?

(This is my 500th post BTW!) :D


New member
Being raised in Kalifornia is not the problem. I was born and raised there. I lived there for 45 years. I have been a conservative my entire life. I can honestly say I have never voted for a DemocRAT ever. I always voted Republican unless they ran a total RINO, in which case I voted Libertarian. There is an election map of the PRK out there on this board. Take a look at it. There is only a small strip along the coast that voted DemocRAT and my guess is that 3+ million of those votes were made by illegal immigrants.

And while I'm at it, why are a number of you afraid to put where you are in your profile? Are you chickens or just chicken?

Ron L

New member
I'd be interested in a shoot sometime. Unfortunately, hunting season is upon us and we're really gearing up for that. After December 1st, things'll clear up a bit. There are a number of indoor ranges in the metro area.

Some other Michigan gun groups have shoots ocassionally, but they seem to be in a bit of disarray and I'm gonna let them get their **** together first. But that's a whole other story.

Sergeant Bob

New member
OK, LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, POLITICIAN born in Canada and raised in California. I really didn't think anyone would take it personally, as it wasn't meant that way. Heck, some of my best friends are Californians. I lived there for 11 years.
And while I'm at it, why are a number of you afraid to put where you are in your profile? Are you chickens or just chicken?
And your point is?


New member
Sgt Bob,

I didn't take it personally but apparently you did. I was just stating a fact. There are more conservatives in California than in most of the US. Just not a majority anymore.

While the state in general seems to have taken a major left turn, this is a fairly recent development. California went for Ford, Reagan and Bush 41. However, since then, the liberal forces in CA, and the massive voter fraud, have taken over and ruined a great place.

My point about not putting your State in your profile is that the person is afraid, lazy or a Troll. It makes a difference in how posts are responded to.

If people are embarassed about what state they live in then they need to find a clue. That's my point.

It wasn't directed at you Sgt. Bob. However, look at the posts and you can see a number of respondents don't bother to put a State or country. Why is that? Are they afraid, lazy or what?
