Jello tests results


New member
Here is some data and Pics you guys might find interesting.

from left to right: Cor-bon 150gr 10mm 1279fps, Winchester Silvertip 10mm 175gr 1312fps, another 10mm silvertip, 45ACP 913fps 230gr Hydrashock (Classic, not the new Personal Defence in the plastic box) Handloaded .45 Colt 230gr Rem. GoldenSaber 1027fps, 3 CCI Stingers, no velocity data (chrony craped out) Not recovered was a Cor-bon 300gr BCSP .45colt at 1321fps (thats well over 1100ft.lbs), it exited the 25inch block AND about 10 inched worth of phonebooks that were hardpacked in a box at the end to stop overacheavers. I have been told this round will penetrate Kevlar (somewhat of a moot point, I suspect you would be in just as bad off even if the vest stoped it), but havent had the oportunity to test it. If anyone has some samples of 2A-3a I would be interested in aquiring it for testing...not new vest though, only vests that have been shot already or small samples.

The handgun bullets were shot into 10% ordnance Gel covered with a layer of flanal, t-shirt and denim, at a distance of 20 yards, the Stingers were fired at 40yards, velocity data was at the muzzle. 10mm fired from a Glock 20, .45 acp from a Charles Daly, .45 colt from a Ruger Vaquero 5.5 inch barrel, all unmodified

1. penetrated 11.5 inches and shed over half its weight. expandes size -jacket section .61. The jacket didnt totaly seperated but many fragments were found in the Gel. From the large peices of torn jacket sticking out, I would assume penetration would be slightly less in a mammal. That large peice of jacket would probly snag and stop the bullet as it slowed down. The crush cavity was slightly over bore diameter and the stretch cavity was not overly impresive..about 7 inches. <<It ismy oppinion that stretch cavitys from handgun bullets dont cause wounding in humans and should be considered as a very small part of a bullets stoping potential, usefull in judging how deep expansion starts.>> It would be my guess that this bullet would perform slightly better than the best .40, a good second choise for your 10mm.

2. penetrated 17.5 in and retained 100% weight. expanded size .79. My personal defence choice. Stretch cavity started about 3 inches in. Slid the 60pound block of gel back 4-5 inches, and picked the front up a good 7 inches on impact....quite a heavy hitter. over 650ft/lbs. I have never been able to get one of these to loose the jacket or fail to expand.

3. This 10mm silvertip was recovered from a medium sized (130lb)Ferril Hog a freind of mine shot a few days ago while camping. Hog was standing still, quartaring away at aprox. 25yard and droped in place after shudering for 1-3 seconds. His first shot missed the charging hog (not suprised wasnt much of a target, about the size of a large dog with short legs, running towards him with its head down) slightly and caused it to pause and turn to check out the large spray of dirt slightly behind and to his right. The second shot sliped through the ribs on the way in and stoped in the offside shoulder shatering it and seperating the front leg from its socket. Expanded size .698, recovered weight 171 out of 175gr. Shot fired from a stock Glock 29. reafirmed this as my defence ammo choise.

4. expanded size .71 penetrated 16 inches 95% weight retention. Minor jacket fragments, good consistant expansion and penetration, impresive cruch and stretch cavitys...what I stoke my wifes gun with. Great all around performer, havent ever had one fail to expand. If I cant Have a 10mm w/ silvertips, I'll take this.

5. expanded core size .61. + the jacket petals .73. penetrated 16.5 inches. I ran across some .45Colt Nickle plated brass so I worked up a fairly mild load and pressed in some GoldenSabers as a nice pretty round to dress up my cartridge loops. They look really great in the loops of my Black w/ silver accent Kirkpatric rig holding my polished stainless Vaquero w/ pearl grips. I has pretty impressed with the performance to. never intend to use them for such, but they should perform similar to a .45acp defence load. There are much better choises, but if worse came to worse, these and my Vaquero could et me through the night without feeling underguned.

6-7-8. These CCI stingers were fired from My Rem. 597 rifle. expanded .46 .42 .44. penetrated 10-12.5 inches. I was pretty suprised with these. I didnt expect any expansion and not this much penetration in clothed geletin at 40 yards. Wish I had had a .22 pistol onhand.

Well there it is...take it for what its worth. Just thought my guys might find some interest in my findings.


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Jim March

New member
WONDERFUL data, very complete, good pics, THANK you.

Comment on the Cor-Bon: it seems we're seeing the limitations of pushing too light a round too fast? And it comes unglued as a result?

I'd be interested in what velocity those Stingers were doing to perform that well :).

Still, damned interesting stuff all around.


New member
Thanks for the positive feedback Jim. I plan on doing it again sometime before long with some different ammo and calbiers, but it takes a bit of time and effort to work up that much balistic gelatin and get it to the range without melting. next time I'm going to remeber to bring my camera to the range so I can get some shots of the blocks.

BTW, anyone know the factory stated muzzle velocity for Stingers from a rifle?

Jim March

New member
No clue re: Stinger speed.

Next time you're at the range, without even worrying about the Gelatin, can you just speed-test the Stingers out of that gun?


'Cuz DAMN did they ever work well.

Makes me wonder if a personal defense rifle in .22Mag isn't a good idea, given the 10rd limit.


New member
I just looked it up..CCI lists the velocity of stingers from a 20inch rifle barrel at 1645fps. I have been doing a treatment on all my guns that lets me get a nominal velocity gain (20-75fps). So I suspect they may have been closer to 1700fps. Really wish my chrony handnt died.

BTW, the treatment involves soaking the inside of the barrel with S&W Friction Block (they dont make it anymore, but there are other suspended teflon type products that also work), letting it sit for an hour, turning it over every few min. Then cleaning it out and repeating. Presumably this fills in the pores in the metal and leaves a slicker surface. I usualy have to re-do it once a year. I know you guys are pretty sceptical but before and after chrony data shows a definate velocity gain that stays constant even after hundreds of rounds. Accuracy is incresed somewhat also. My Howa Trophymaster 1500 in .300 win mag showed the biggest improvement, it lost 1 full inch in 100 yard 10shot grouping and gained 90fps.


New member
what is the density of the ballistic jello?? when i was working in the restaurant business i used to work with a gelatin substance that was used for coating foods for shows. the consistancy was just under that of a hard rubber ball <sorta like a dog ball>. this was easy to make and you had to heat it up over 100 to get it to melt. i'd be curious to find out about the ballistic jello...always wanted to make a 5 gallon bucket of this stuff and check it out at the range *grin*



New member
Adept, Its much less dense than what you described, athough the subsatnce you we talking about sounds like it would work if diluted a little more. Sounds easier to trasport too. I use clear Knox Gelatin mixed 12% (instead of 10%, to allow for a little warming) calibrated with a daisy red rider..yes thats the standared calibration method. If its the right consistancy a BB at 500FPS should penetrate about 7 cm. It feels about like the hard rubbery stuff that gets around the edges of homemade edible jello.

Still looking for some scrap Kevlar if anyone has some.


New member
great, sounds good to me, i'm gonna have to see about making some. the ratio that we used in the restaurant business was 1lb gelatin to 1gallon of water...we used to comment that it was bulletproof...might have to test that theory some time...from behind a barrier of course *grin*
