Jeez! "Assault" is a behavior, not hardware!

Mike U.

New member
Assault is an attempt or threat to do violence to another, with or without battery.

It pains me greatly to see firearms afficionados falling into the liberal media's word play trap. They are the people who copiously foist the false term "Assault Rifle" on the ignorant American public.
Assault has nothing to do with a weapon's physical profile or features on that weapon.
It has nothing to do with the function of a weapon.
You can assault someone using a rifle, the rifle itself is NOT doing the assaulting. So why is it called an "Assault Rifle"?
I believe the phrase "Assault Rifle" was coined to convey a maximum negative impact on an inanimate object. It makes no sense as the rifle is not commiting the act of assault, it's the person holding said rifle. The term "semi-auto rifle" simply does not convey enough of a sense of inherent evil intent with it's phrasing. What does the average firearm-ignorant citizen think of when the word "assault" is used? A violent criminal action, that's what. Assault is evil, assault is something some lowlife waste of skin does to an innocent victim. Assault is what an oppressor does to a weak person.
See where I'm going with this?

Every time one of us falls into the gun-grabber's word trap we are tainting the waters of public opinion with poison. As "Assault Rifle" becomes the commonly used term for any rifle that has a magazine, a pistol grip or foregrip, black furniture or fires a round at the pull of a trigger, the more a firearms ignorant public will associate it with evil and evil-doers. Which you and I ARE NOT!
Don't become what the Marxist's call "A useful idiot". They're after our guns and the more we help them by playing along with their word games, the sooner that day will come when you turn your firearms in or face imprisonment or maybe even death for the intolerable crime of firearms possession.

Don't you be "a useful idiot".

Edited to add:

Please correct me if any info in this post is wrong, needs amending or you feel the need to elaborate on something I missed.

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New member
I agree with what you say, and have stated it in several posts, but using your reasoning, there's no such thing as a "plinking" gun or a "hunting" rifle.;)

Mike U.

New member
jsmaye and Willie D*,

True, but those terms are not being used as a weapon by the media to garner the negative image that they are attempting when they use the words "Assault Rifle".

You know, a month ago I was okay with the term "assault rifle". We had the Heller decision by the SCOTUS and the 2nd Amendment was affirmed as an individual right. As firearms owners, we were golden.
This election just put that decision in severe danger.
The president elect is on record as saying he wants "Assault Weapons" banned. Every vote he has ever cast is anti-gun.
He can and likely will do it by Executive Order if the SCOTUS does not reverse the Heller decision. That will make law abiding citizens criminals just because they own an AK or an AR or any semi-automatic firearm. Our guns will not be grandfathered in. This incoming president is poised to appoint THREE new Supreme Court justices. He WILL appoint radical left leaning justices and Heller will be brought back and the prior favorable judgement will be thrown out. The new vote will make you and me criminals for the very act of owning certain firearms.
Something the main stream media would love to see happen.
We are in a war for the hearts and minds of the firearms ignorant American public (who are a majority). Like it or not, if you own a gun you have been drafted into this war automatically. If you don't like that, get rid of your guns and bow out before they become illegal to own. Because, come hell or high water, this new administration is coming for your guns and your liberty.
If we don't win this propaganda campaign being championed by the MSM, utilizing terminology like "Assault Rifles", our rights will surely be lost.
Then we make the transition from citizens to subjects. And, in the future, from subjects to slaves. From slaves to victims. You no longer have a choice in the matter. You have no guns to fight with. The tyranical government can do with you and your family as it pleases. This has played out time and time again around the world. The game plan is tried and true and proven effective. It ALWAYS starts with demonizing the firearm.
This is what bothers me most.

I have major problems with what I see happening.
The best four years of my life that I gave to the USMC will have been for nothing. When I joined I was willing to put my life on the line to preserve the freedoms the rest of the world wishes they had. I suspect that's the same case with nearly every person who served in the US miltary. America's liberty was and is worth fighting for.
Problem is, the enemies of freedom and liberty are trying to win this war without firing a shot. And as of right now, THEY ARE WINNING THE WAR.
The enemies of America's freedom use words to fight their battles. You are subject to their propaganda every time you watch the evening news on the major networks.

A few fictional examples:

"And now in the news, a breaking story, an assault rifle was used today to kill four people eating lunch at a Whotown McDonald's and wounded five others."

"A Nowhereville man had a shootout with police today. The man was carrying an assault rifle and fired an estimted 130 rounds at authorities. The man was finally killed by police in a heroic stand. The assault rifle was unregistered."

"Assault Rifle implicated as gun of choice by gangbangers"

"Assault Rifle used to rob a bank today"

"Police raid a Chicago man's house and seize over 1000 rounds of ammunition and two assault rifles."

Do you not see what's happening here?

*OOPS! Sorry Willie D. I didn't see that thread. It sure coulda saved me a helluva lot of typing. ;)

Mike U.

New member

I was unaware there is a similar thread currently active on the board. If need be, do with this thread as you wish. I'm good with whatever ya'll want to do.


I was unaware there is a similar thread currently active on the board. If need be, do with this thread as you wish. I'm good with whatever ya'll want to do.

I am pretty sure the mods wont be asking for your permission...or care how you feel about it. :D

By the way, I know some sailors at ACU4 and some Marines who drive AAV's who would disagree with your premise strenuously (ACU4 = Assault Craft Unit Four, AAV = Amphibious Assault Vehicle).

Mike U.

New member
I was unaware there is a similar thread currently active on the board. If need be, do with this thread as you wish. I'm good with whatever ya'll want to do.

I am pretty sure the mods wont be asking for your permission...or care how you feel about it.

By the way, I know some sailors at ACU4 and some Marines who drive AAV's who would disagree with your premise strenuously (ACU4 = Assault Craft Unit Four, AAV = Amphibious Assault Vehicle).

Some folks get highly irate when their thread gets closed down, I'm not one of them and voiced my opinion as such.

Tell me your just joking about the Marines disagreeing with my premise strenuously.
Or do you completely miss the point of my posts?


New member
Mike U -

I don't disagree with your conclusions or assertions. In fact I have several posts admonishing us at TFL to get out of the habit of using those terms. If the educated among us mis-use them, what chance have the initiates?

I was just poking a little tongue-in-cheek fun at your reasoning

IMHO, we should lay off the Zombie Apocalypse posts, too - in those we just sound deranged and gun-happy, ready to shoot anything that moves.

Mike U.

New member
I'm good with tongue-in-cheek fun usually. And am normally game for a little self-depracating humor.

I guess I'm taking this issue too seriously and not seeing the humor in it myself.


Ummm, I dont think you get what I am saying...I am good with the term "assault rifle".

IMO, the term doesn't mis-imply anything...although I prefer "battle rifle" and a true assault rifle can selective fire from full-auto to semi-auto.


Or do you completely miss the point of my posts?

If you are saying that your OP was a tongue-in-cheek satirical exposé on the incorrect use of certain terminology...yes, I guess I did.

Mike U.

New member
Okay then. I see your point.
You are correct, it is a term used for select fire weapons. I'd prefer them to be called "Battle Rifles" too. It is a more concise terminology for that class of weaponry.
I was was kinda so-so with the term Assault Rifle before the election. It was an incorrect term the way the MSM used it, but, hey since when did their reporting have to be accurate? The MSM had their little "Assault Rifle" tag and they'd show it on the back screen with a generic AK-47 looking rifle usually. And I was rather ambivalent about the whole deal.

AWB went off into the sunset, never to be seen again. Heller re-affirmed we had the individual right to RKBA. NRA had kind of a winning streak going.

Post election, things are not looking quite the same. The American voting public have shown they are easily duped. Not all of us, mind you, just enough to elect a blatant anti-gun Marxist Socialist to the White House. A man who now has the power to try to disarm all of us. A man who now, with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order, can make all of us criminals.

I'm deeply concerned because I see on the horizon and coming our way, a time when we either give up our guns, go to prison or go to war within the U.S. borders for our liberty. Never thought I'd live to see a day like that. Now it appears it may well be a viable possibility, God forbid.

I'm now on the soap-box about this "Assault Rifle" terminology because it's being used as a weapon against you, me and the every gun owner. It always was, but, it didn't have the significance it now has post election.
I'm just not articulate enough to convey that message accurately and in a more unbiased manner.

44 AMP

Problems with English

Are the root of many things.

Mike U., you fell into the trap of semantics, and the difficulties of translation. As you will find in other threads, the origin of the term Assault Rifle is a translation from the German Sturmgrwehr. Sturm is a german word that can be translated a couple of ways, depending on the context. In many contexts it means storm, as in bad weather. However, in other context it also means storm, but as in a military assault, troops storming an objective.

Prior to the introduction of the term Sturmgewehr (in 1944), a common term in the Wehrmacht was Sturmgeschuetz, referring to a turretless tank type, (introduced in 1940). English speakers have consistently translated this term as "assault gun". So, when Sturmgewehr was translated it became assault rifle. This was all fine and good with both the military and the firearms community, who understood the origin of the term. But, when thrust into the public eye by the anti gunner's media "assault", they got a tremendous boost for their emotional arguments by the simple fact that the most common usage of the word assault in American English referred to a violent attack against an individual. So the majority of people with neither interest nor background assumed that "assault rifles" were named so because they were intended to assault individuals. And therefore, weapons designed, made and used for the immoral purpose of harming innocents.

We use the term assault rifle in its accurate, time honored sense, with a clear understanding of the origins and characteristics of the firearms and the terminology. We become irritated and when people mistakenly misuse the term, and irate when they deliberatly do so. I applaud your enthusiasm, but in general, around here, you are preaching to the choir, and it would be use ful to tone down the rehetoric a bit.

When new members make the mistake, we try, as patiently as wel can, to educate them, so that they may see how they have been duped. We do this, and have done it, over and over. Welcome to the ranks of those who believe in accuracy of terminology, no matter what the "popular usage" is.

And now, want to talk about clips vs. magazines?:rolleyes:


New member
Obviously you haven't seen the assault I launched on the bad paper target zombies lately:D The target is getting torn up violently therefore I am assaulting it.
44 AMP: Yes, quite true. 'Sturm und Drang' etc. And 'Sturmtruppen', first used by General Oskar von Hutier on the eastern front in 1917.

Mike U:
Very well-spoken.

Don't get me wrong here. I'm new at all of this and may appear naive.
Our only hope is the chance that Obama's well-known reputation for being a very smart politician will motivate him to avoid political problems similar to those caused by Clinton's and Gore's support for the AWB etc. It helped kill Gore's chances and 'O' wants to learn from others' mistakes. Maybe at the highest level which can be achieved, a president doesn't want to hurt his chances of re-election in four years? I'm just trying to find some glimmer of hope.
I wonder whether the fallout from putting high taxes on ammo, or banning foreign ammo would be worth it to 'O'.

He supposedly evaluates the overall poilitical effect before he does something, and has a really keen eye. Now that he is on the national stage, and has declining economic/medical cost disasters to solve, maybe he will be bright and not try to score cheap-shot political points which do nothing for people's jobs etc, at least for a good while. It would cost many jobs in the gun and ammo business.
I drove right by the Remington ammo plant near Little Rock about a week ago. The economy might not reach bottom for months or longer.
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Mike U.

New member
44 AMP,

I see said the blind man. :eek:

It's always good to learn something new and I was ignorant about the history of the terminology. Thank you for the clarafication. :)

Clips vs magazines? Uhhh, I'm leaving! :p:D

chris in va

New member
Ok, let's come up with a proper name then. 'Semiauto sporting rifle' won't work.

Personally I like 'assault' rifle if it wasn't so @#! demonized by the press.


New member
Well, they are not "Assault Rifles" because they are not SELECT FIRE. They are simply semi-automatic carbines. You can add "military-styled" but I don't see the point.


Military style semi automatic rifle

I hope the guys debating this for the umpteenth time are also writing their congresscritters and thereby accomplishing something

WildyesAlaska ™