Jeep Petition Online


New member
I think Jeep has clearly made a mistake with this ad and has as a result insulted a vast amount of their customers and potential customers. I for one, will never buy a product from Jeep, unless an apology is issued for this pathetic attempt at humor at the expense of your customers.



Jim V

New member
#3547 and the count goes on.

Why did we bail out Chrysler only to have them sell out to the Germans and now this?


New member
As I posted on the other thread, Jeep is personally replying to e-mails and apologizing for the ad.


New member
Smith & Wesson got the message. Scanning some of the other comments, I believe Jeep is about to. I learned to live without Smith and bought a Taurus. I signed the papers on my new truck...a I just wish I had a picture of my 12-year-old's first deer...tied on top of the old Cherokee.


New member
8094 and climbing

Encourage all to sign

I wonder what the idiot that came up with that ad is doing? And the corporate guy that approved it to be run must be sweating by now - MORONS.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I'm on the list with a comment.
Instead of a Liberty... those Freelanders looks very nice.

I don't blaim the people at Jeep for this. This is some BS cooked up by the Chrysler advertising people. Jeep is still Jeep and they know where they came from. Chrysler is ruining the brand. First off, they are trying to make a Jeep upscale. This is wrong. Sure you can make it nice, but it isnt a luxo-ride. If you want that, buy a Lincoln Navigator.


New member
Petitions had their effect...

Jeep pulled the ad after the outpouring of signatures. Way to go, folks, one for our side!:D