Japan: Old man fatally knifed, punched in bed


New member
Thank goodness for those draconian gun control laws in Japan! At least he wasn't shot.


Old man fatally knifed, punched in bed

KOCHI -- An old man has been brutally murdered in the bed of his Kochi home, police said Sunday.

Katsura Inoue was found dead late Saturday night. The killer of the 84-year-old man had stabbed him repeatedly and punched him several times in the face.

Investigators suspect that Inoue may have surprised an intruder in his home and are searching for the killer.

Police said a female acquaintance found the old man's body clad only in underpants and lying on top of his bed. Bloodied hunting and kitchen knives were found at the foot of the bed.

The female acquaintance often checked up on Inoue, who had lived alone. She thought something was strange on Saturday night when she visited his home and discovered the morning's newspaper still in the mailbox. She entered the unlocked front door and roamed through the home until she made the ghastly find of the owner's body. (Mainichi Shimbun, Dec. 1, 2002)
Homocide rates in Japan are not exactly low.
Last I heard, they have over 1000 homocides a year with SCISSORS.
Gun grabbers like to use Japan as an example because they have few gun homocides, but they fail to account for all homocides.
It seems to me that dead is dead, whether the killer used a knife or a gun.


New member
ban knives! its for the childr- umm, the old men who arent strong enough to fend off an attacker! won't someone PLEASE think about the old men?? :barf: :barf: