Jamaican legislators lash U.S. gun export policy


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Jamaican legislators lash U.S. gun export policy

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Jamaica's Senate lashed out at the U.S.
government on Friday over what it called U.S. reluctance to provide
meaningful help in stemming the flow of illegal guns into Jamaica and other
Caribbean countries.

The issue was raised during debate on a proposal that added illegal gun sales
to the list of offences criminals can be prosecuted for under Jamaica's Money
Laundering Act, which previously was confined to drug-related offences.

Senators said the United States was glaringly inconsistent for failing to
stem the flow of guns into Jamaica while demanding maximum effort by Jamaica
to stop the entry of illegal drugs into the United States.

``While we have been cooperating and indeed we ought to cooperate, one of our
neighbours ought to do something about controlling the firearms that's
leaving their country and coming in here, as well,'' said Oswald Harding, a
leader of the opposition Jamaican Labour Party.

Government member Alfred Rattray said that in recent discussions with U.S
officials, the Americans claimed there was very little they could do to stem
the flow of guns because of the many points of exit on the American mainland.

``But I pointed out to them that if they cannot control it at their end,
there's no reason why they shouldn't seek to control it at this end, since
our points of entry were very limited,'' Rattray said.

Rattray said the Americans have very sophisticated equipment that could be
made available to Jamaica, along with U.S. law enforcement experts who could
work with their Jamaican counterparts in a cooperative effort.

The arms smuggling issue was among a number of concerns raised by National
Security Minister K.D. Knight last year when he met with U.S. Attorney
General Janet Reno and other law enforcement officials in Washington.

18:40 02-25-00

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
While I was reading this, the drug trade came to mind. Now, I'm not equating Jamaica with Colombia, but I do wonder why we let our "neighbors" treat us this way.

In the case of Colombia, Mexico, et al, as sources of illegal drugs into the U.S., we are told that if we didn't have such a demand there wouldn't be such a deluge of supply. Therefore, it's our own fault.

'Think that'll work with these guys?

BTW, when did illegal gun smuggling get to be an export policy?

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited February 27, 2000).]

Rob Pincus

New member
I'd think that the american law enforcement community might take issue with Jamaica's policy of exporting Jamaicans....

Jamaica may not be the largest supplier of the drugs themselves, but they seem to have more than their fair share of the drug dealers.

(Now, I am sure that one of our most respected members is going to turn out to be of Jamaican ancestry, and I'll just go ahead and apologize in advance if this post offends anyone..... it is based on my experience in two very different areas of the country and various intelligence reports of drug activity nationwide.)

Puddle Pirate

New member
So now it's the job of the US to patrol the borders of other countries? I'm confused, but that's not an unusual occurance.



New member
Here is an article by a woman who lived in Jamaica about thier control policies. Its it is a powerful statement for our side. We don't want to listen to these Jamaican politicans. http://www.hevanet.com./kort/JAMAICA1.htm
Sorry, cannot make the link work, but its good if you go there.

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[This message has been edited by Herodotus (edited February 27, 2000).]