

New member
I guess it's just all been getting to me. I walked in a local gun store yesterday that I had not been in for some time and was just so overwhelmingly surprised just because they acted like they should. Decent selection of firearms for the size of the store. Good prices. The fellow behind the counter was polite and helpful.

I had just gotten to the point where I was expecting to be brushed off in there, just like all the other stores I have been to lately. It seems that either the local stores just look at you with disdain unless you flash them a large wad of cash to get their attention, or you can go someplace like Cabelas, where they try, but are just so overwhelmed with the number of people that you can't get a word in edgewise. Regardless, though, that does not excuse my cynicism. I am glad to know that some stores out there are still trying, so I will try to be a bit more open-minded about visiting them as well.


New member
Maybe the old guy who used to own the place retired or died, and the store passed to his son, who has a degree in business.


New member
I know what you mean Drizzt. I've walked into a few gun shops and was treated like me being there was a waste of their time. For example, recently a shop opened up about 3 miles from my house so I decided to check it (and its customer service) out. When I opened the door and entered I saw that the owner/employee was in another room fiddling around with a coffee maker. He didn't bother to look up or acknowledge me so I spoke to him. He Kept on messing with the coffee maker. Strike one. I had been there about 3 mins. before he came out and spoke to me. Strike two. I asked him a few questions that appeared to annoy him and while I was still standing at the counter he walked back into the other room and continued messing with the coffee maker. Strike three. Questions answered.


New member
I'd say I have not enjoyed about 85% of the gun shops I have been in. Ours is an industry extremely deficient in quality service.

That said, when you find a good one it's like an oasis. My local shop made me so happy when I found it. Good prices and patient service. I lack spending money myself, but I have been so impressed with their continued willingness to just hang out with me (and even invite my input when a customer has a question they can't answer), that I have sent them probably 5-6 purchases. When I no longer live here, I still intend to drive here now and again to buy a gun to thank them for years of patient, friendly service even though I just bought things occasionally.

In fact, I'll plug them here. If you're ever in Wyoming and you pass through Laramie (you probably won't, the top of the state is way prettier), drop by the Conoco station in West Laramie, it's labeled as the West Laramie Fly Store (and if you're a fisherman it's a dandy fly store). In the back is a small gun store with limited selection but fair prices and good people.


New member
I know what people mean about the attitudes of sales staff involving guns in recent times but i try to see both sides from time to time and i cant see as i blame them a whole lot. These "panic" times make people on both sides of the counter real sour. Get that way some myself when i go in a place really hoping to buy something and see 20-30 people in a small shop just standing around looking the vast majority of which will not put any money down. Most of these guys are so swamped they dont have much time to spend with lookey loo's/guys looking for ammunition when the person whos there to make a major purchase is probably just walking out the door just as overwhelmed as he is. At the same time the ones on the other side of the counter are zapped by sticker shock and ridiculous lines and very, very slim pickings. Nothing but frustration on both sides, but im very glad youve had a good walk in recently. Its good news to hear.