J. Lott's letter to Washington Post


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Today's Washington Post includes a letter to the editor from John R. Lott, Jr.
"The Post's article on Gov. Parris Glendening's call for gun locks made no mention of how many accidental gun deaths are claiming children's lives in Maryland [Metro, Jan. 25]. The Centers for Disease Control reports that from 1992 to 1996, two children younger than 15 died from accidental gun shots in Maryland. Neither could be identified as involving a handgun. The article did not mention that expensive "smart locks", even when they become reliable, will price the poor out of the ability to protect themselves. Locks prvent ready access to a gun for self-protection." (signed) John R. Lott, Jr. New Haven, Conn. I have read the Post almost every day since the early 1960's and am simply amazed they printed this letter. I had to stop and check to make sure I wasn't reading the Richmond(Va.)Times-Dispatch. Once upon a time these two papers covered the extremes of the political spectrum, now it seems they are moving to the center a little. John