J&G says they'll have Maks soon.


New member
J&G Sales just posted on the Makarov forum that they'll have Maks by the last week of this month. $129.95
Says they'll post on their website as soon as the arrive.


New member
This is good...

Seems to me like they posted this in response to another ragging thread in which a different dealer said there’s no 10k Maks coming. All I have to say is I respect J&G Sales and I give them credit for laying their @ss on the line, but if this don’t come true, they’ve lost credibility in my eyes.

Actually, are we even sure this is THE J&G Sales? Since makarov.com is an open forum and anyone can post with any name they want without registering first.... :confused:


New member
That is a possibility I suppose but I doubt it. Someone from J&G has posted on this forum in the past too. The information jives with what others have been told by the importer. They posted as to when they expect them and that would be information they would have gotten from the importer.

Also read that Century Arms is expecting some in the next few weeks also.


New member
It was legit, I checked their website and they have updated it with the info. in their message on the Makarov forum.


New member
They are Bulgarian Makarovs. Heard awhile back that most are supposedly unissued but guess we won't really know till the dealers get them.