J&G Sales or SOG for Makarovs


New member
Both of these places have the Bulgarian Maks for sale. Does anyone have an opinion on which company is better to do business with?

For example, will I get a better quality gun from SOG or J & G or are they about the same?

Prices are the same except SOG gives you an extra mag while J&G gives you only one mag but you get a leather holster and the original commie grips.

Don't care too much about the accessories just the gun. SOG site says "excellent condition", J & G says "good to excellent condition". Probably all from the same distributor so is there really a difference?

Any feedback is appreciatied.

Tropical Z

New member
Your'e playing with fire with either one.Both tend to exaggerate the condition of guns.I've found SOG's people to be a little friendlier however.


New member
I've read reports on the Makarov forum about both. Some are getting what appear to be unissued, unfired pistols and some have gotten some that have seen some use. Most of the used seem to be in pretty good condition though. No telling which one you'd get though, roll the dice.


New member
Thanks TZ and alamo,

I went over to the Mak forum and some people there were not real thrilled with either J&G or Sog. Maybe I'll try to get one at a gun show where I can fondle it before I buy. It may cost a little more but I'd hate to get stuck with a junker.

I wish either/or would do what SOG did last time, unissued and in mint condition draws a little higher price, used but not abused sells at a lower price.

I have read good and bad from both, 4 people will get really good looking ones, than 2 other will report getting a 60% finish Mak from both of them. Good Luck on this Mak roulette wheel.


New member
Find one at a gunshow like I did a couple of weeks ago and you will be ahead in the long run. I got one of the First from J&G and I bought it in person, but it wasn't what I expected in appearance but after the long drive I bought one anyway. A couple of weeks later I got one at a gunshow for a little more but in very good condition. It was from one of the earlier shipments and the dealer had 3 of them. I should have bought all 3. Anyways, both guns turned out to be excellent shooters even if the one from J&G was worn on the slide.


New member
Haven't done business with J&G, but I'll tell you about my experience with SOG so far. I ordered a Mak about two weeks ago. When it came, it looked okay since it had a healthy coating of cosmoline all over the exterior of the gun. The bluing was consistent, so I signed the transfer paperwork and brought it home.

I let it soak in kerosene overnight and cleaned it up the next day. To my chagrin, the left side of the slide had light pitting all over. Nicely blued, but pitted. This wasn't "excellent" grade, so I called to complain.

To her credit, SOG's customer service manager (I demanded to talk to the manager) was very nice. She agreed that the gun didn't meet grade, and she allowed me to swap the gun. SOG picked up all the return shipping charges and credited me enough to cover the background check on the next pistol they send.

So what does this mean? Well, SOG has good customer service so far. The jury's still out on the condition of their pistols. I sure didn't get a good one the first time around. So much for that $10 "handpick" fee I paid.

I have my fingers crossed on the next pistol. Should be here any day.