J-Frame with Moon Clips


New member
Hi gang,
I'm curious as to feedback from those who may have this mod and any associated issues, like's or dislikes you care to share.
Dan Ortego
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New member
Very nice model indeed and I wish they would bring it back.
I do see that smith' is offering a few factory moon set-ups this year. I have a 640 off being modified. TK will provision the moon cut, while Bowen will install sights and some other tweaks. It's perhaps a bit overkill for a j-frame but I'm retired and I was feeling bored. Besides, it will be rather unique and I'm funny that way.
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New member
I actually recall that at some point, but I have one heck of a time using the search engine over on that forum. As it is, mine is already being cut, but thanks just the same.


New member
I have a S&W 360J that has been cut for moonclips and rechambered to 9x23. I usually load it with 9mm, I'm very happy with the conversion, it is very fast to reload and spare moonclips are easy to carry.

I also have revolvers in .357mag, .40S&W, and .45ACP that use moonclips and I just as happy with them for the same reasons.


New member
Hello WC145,
I have considered that, although I'm not sure of a 9mm conversion on the longer .357 cylinder. Just seems like the added free flight may compromise the ballistics before entering the forcing cone. Still, I do like the idea of easier handling of a 9mm moon clip pod. Does a 9mm round kick a bit more than a relatively matched .38 from your converted 360?
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Smith & Wesson is introducing several Pro Series J-Frames cut for moon clips. They also have real dovetail sights, and they're doing 2.5" Airweights.

Also, the Model 10 has officially been discontinued from production (after 116 years!) and is now part of the "Classic" line.


New member
Yeah, I had just received my standard 640 when the new 640-Pro release notice arrived. In fact, it was already back at Bowen for applying the nearly same damn mods that the new one comes with! As it is, I'm not sure they will actually be hitting the streets until later this summer but still. :confused:

Today, my new 686 2.5" arrived so I'm sure a new and improved version of that model will be announced on Friday. Can't win for losing! These two will hopefully be my last project guns! When all the dust settles, I may pick up the new 442 no-lock mooned snub but I'll think long and hard on that one... Can't say I'm all that fond of alloy frames.
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