J Frame model 60 Vs Glock 27

Alex Johnson

New member
Here's my dilema, I just put a used Glock 27 on layaway at our local store. In the past I've used my S&W model 60 for carry purposes, but I just bought a G22 and I like the feel of this gun so I thought that the 27 might not be a bad gun for carry since my 22 is used strictly for IDPA shooting. This 27 was $499 used and comes with night sights. A buddy of mine has offered to buy my old model 60 for $325 which would reduce the blow felt by purchasing the 27; however, I still am not sure whether the 27 will carry as easy as the 60 does, in which case I'm hesitant to part with it at this time, what are the opinions on this?

Brian Williams

New member
I have been carrying a Glock 19 up until recently when I bought a S&W mod 60-4 with a 3" barrel and adjustable sights. My mod 60 is a 38spec only, but I have given up carrying the glock because I feel the 60 is more dependable than the glock, easier to operate with one or both hands, less likly to drop the mag or mag floorplate....
the revolver is easier to unload... i.e. push latch, push cylinder, dump 5 rounds. the Glock push mag release, pull mag out, rack slide, just a minute I wonder where that round went or did it???

Yes I like my Glock and if I am in a position where I plan to attack someone I would probably choose that gun to do so, but for defense I will go with the reliable Mod60 by S&W


New member
I have carried both a G27 and a Mod 60...

both are fine carry weapons. Of the two I much prefer the Glock. It is small, light, and reliable. Good shooting:)
A buddy of mine has offered to buy my old model 60 for $325 ......
Don't sell your model 60!

The M60 can be carried in ways that you can't safely carry a Glock.

If you ever need to arm a friend or loved-one, the basic operation of the revolver can be taught with less training.

In addition, if you sell your M60, and decide that you want a Model 60 later, you will likely have to pay more.

30ish in Ga

New member
Yeah, I'm with Mark IV. Even if it is a little more uncomfrotable financially, I would say hang on to that M60 if you can. I carry a Glock 30 and a Colt Pony Pocketlite daily. But there is definitely a time and a place for the tried and true M60 of whatever barrel length (I love stealing my wife's snubbie when I need it).

-- 30ish.


New member
Don't sell.
Keep both at least for now.
If after a few months you want to sell OK, will be a better chance that you won't have sellers remorse.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
STOP! Original Smith & Wesson model 60's (Chief Special's) are drying up!!!

I would never, ever sell my model 60; especially not to favor
a Glock. Low and behold, the little revolver should out last
all of us; and the Glock?:eek: Well, I guess we will have to
wait and see.:rolleyes: Plus, I'm not seeing any where near
the number of 60's that I use to see.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Alex Johnson

New member
Thanks for all the information, I couldn't quite bring myself to part with the 60. A few years ago I sold a model 36 I had to help finance a Kimber Ultra Carry under similar circumstances and I regretted it so much I bought the model 60 as a replacement, this time I think I'll do it right, I can always find a glock, but the 60's are getting scarcer.


New member

I have been experimenting w/ different guns & keep coming back to my 60...if anything, I may be picking up a 357 snubbie & put my 60 in semi-retirement.

Will Beararms

New member
I should not even answer this since I have a snub bias. I favor any snub over a semi-auto for deep cover. Yeah the snub is loud and the .357 versions kick and yeah they have attrocious muzzle flash but they don't jam when tuned properly and they will shoot any ammo. I love the bianchi speed strips with a snub. You can easily carry as much ammo as with most semi-autos but you cannot reload as quickly with the revo. As one old timer once told me: "What do you do when the mag's run dry? Which one faster to reload then?"

Kentucky Rifle

New member

I'm glad you decided to keep the 60. I realize that it's difficult sometimes to spend the cash necessary to have all the toys you want. I don't know...you feel a little guilty about it or something. I consider myself VERY lucky, at THIS stage of my life, to be able to purchase the things I want. I can EASILY remember the "hard" times when I had no apartment, no food, and very few clothes. (Sound familiar anyone? Tamara?) It's my policy to NEVER sell or trade a firearm once I purchase it. If it's a great firearm and I traded or sold it to finance another great firearm, I'd feel a terrible loss. If I buy a lemon, well..I keep that too. If it can't be fixed it goes in the back of my safe. I can't trade off or sell a lemon firearm to someone who just might need it to defend his, or a loved one's life. JMO.

Kentucky Rifle


New member
I'm glad you decided to keep the Model 60. I have a 442 and a G26. I find the 442 easier to carry concealed but prefer the G26. I feel either is sufficient for a concealed carry/defense senario.


New member
Here's My Take...

Here's my take. I own a Glock 27, S&W Model 60, and a S&W Model 37. The Glock and Model 60 are both heavy; the Model 37 slips into your pocket and you don't notice it is there. I have a very high regard for the Model 60 and Glock 27 but I prefer the 37 for warm weather. I would keep both pistols and talk your shop into a long layaway. Regards, Richard


New member
Amen on keeping the 60

Tough times sometimes means dumping gus. I had to sell three Kimbers and a couple of nice .380s. I kept my two Model 60 3inchers (one for me and one for the wife) and we're happy as clams. Tough little gun - variety of ammo - solid steel - great adjustable sights - we love 'em!!:eek:

Don P

New member
Keep the 60 and no pun intended, bite the bullet and buy the Glock out right. By the way I have/and do carry a J-frame, G26 and a G36 in the right front pocket.


My input...

$499.00 USD seems steep for a used Glock 27 .40S&W even with night sights.
If you shoot a model 22 in target matches Id get the 27. You will know how to safely shoot-use the Glock system and if you have a use of force event, you or your legal council can use this information in court.

The S&W model 60 is good too but you would be better off with the model 27 pistol.

Deaf Smith

New member
Here's my dilema, I just put a used Glock 27 on layaway at our local store. In the past I've used my S&W model 60 for carry purposes, but I just bought a G22 and I like the feel of this gun so I thought that the 27 might not be a bad gun for carry since my 22 is used strictly for IDPA shooting. This 27 was $499 used and comes with night sights. A buddy of mine has offered to buy my old model 60 for $325 which would reduce the blow felt by purchasing the 27; however, I still am not sure whether the 27 will carry as easy as the 60 does, in which case I'm hesitant to part with it at this time, what are the opinions on this?


You will find there are times when you can pack the 27, and times when you can't. And those times you can't the J .38 comes in mighty handy!

If you can afford to, don't sell the Smith 60.

And Alex, I pack a Glock 26 as primary. I also pack a Smith 642 sometimes as primary (it gets real HOT here in Texas in the summer!) And I find both the Glock and the Smith indespensable!
