J-Frame Ergo Grip

Hey guys. I bought one of those funky Ergo grips for my J-frame and I thought I'd share my experiance with it.

First, it's pretty cheap. 20 bucks, so I bought two, one for my buddy but the shipping was $15 which seemed very high for two small grips in a bag.

Anyway, here's what they look like compared to what I usually use which is a large CT grip.



The material itself is pretty grippy soft rubber so it's not good for pocket carry.

As you grip it, it does what it's supposed to do and make it a natural pointer. This is good.

What I don't like is it doesn't have much of a palm swell. If I grip it with my first finger joints then there's space between the grip and my palm. If I grip it with the second joint then that goes away but it forces my finger deeper into the trigger. I like to fire my double action triggers that way anyway, so it won't bother me much but it may bother others.

So far, I'm liking my large rounded CT grips a bit better.

I'll try to get to the range soon so I can report on recoil reduction if any.
Well, I finally got to the range today. I have to say these grips suck.

The problem is that they are very thin and long. It's like holding a knife blade in your hand. There isn't enough palm swell so my shots kept going to the right.

With some practice they moved more to the center, but still to the right.

With my CT grips they are dead on, even with the laser off.

So it's close, but no cigar for these grips.

For the record I have large hands but not long fingers. Others may like em but I don't.


New member
I just recently became aware of these after looking through some 2014 SHOT show videos. Looked pretty odd too me and it seems they're odd to shoot with as well. You might want to try some Hogue Tamer grips for it. I know they're pretty amazing on my LCR.


New member
I've actually been on the fence with these, but I think, after this review, I will probably pass. Thanks.
What's the old addage?

If something looks right, chances are it is?

Sorry, but those Ergo grips look 100% wrong.

I'm not even remotely interested in giving them a try.

lee n. field

New member
When I first say them online what it reminded me of was a set of special orthopedic shoes, for folks with malformed feet or one short leg. They might help someone, but they won't be generally useful.


New member
They certainly do look like complete hell. And I appreciate the review and believe what you say. However, I'll say that I truly can't enjoy J-frames and if I were tasked with trying or attempting to LOVE one, I'd be trying every ugly thing that falls out of the tree to make it happen.

I wouldn't write off those grips because they look like total hell.

Actually, if that were my method, I'd simply write off all the J-frames ever made. Because except for the FIVE-INCH Model 60, every J-frame I've ever witnessed looks like a steaming pile of dung to my eyes. :p


New member
SSS, how did they do regarding recoil control? they seem like they would position the hand and gun to a lower bore axis.


New member
Thanks for your post. I ran across these a few days ago and wondered what they would be like. To me, they just look "awkward" but the "proof is in the pudding" so I wasn't going to pre-judge them. I'm sure they could vary depending on a person's hand size but I'm going to pass on them for my J frame.

I love the $15 shipping charge - especially when they could be shipped in a SFRB that the PO furnishes. I know a place has to cover their expenses but that just seems a bit on the steep side.

Thanks for the post - great information. :)

Deja vu

New member
I also have a pair of those. I posted a picture some where but cant find it at the moment. Any way, they are not bad but not great either. The biggest problem I have with them is the grip screw rusts out and needs de-rusted about once a week.

The grips do feel good though.


New member
I saw these the other day on Midway for sale for $13 and almost tried a pair just for S&G but I did not have enough stuff in my cart to get an order together so I waited. Glad someone is tring new things, I would love to try shooting with a set but I'm in no hurry, I would like to try this for myself, grips are like shoes some fit better then others so one online review would not sway me away. YMMV;)
As for recoil it doesn't do any better than my CT grip. The CT is softer, rounder and allows a high comfortable grip.

The ergo would be better than a bare metal backstrap on your wrist but otherwise it's nothing special.


Wow those look so cool!

I think I'm going to go out in my backyard and look for some fresh lawn chocolates my dog made me; They would look just as good mashed around the grip frame of my S&W 642!

In all seriousness, I dont care how comfy those grips are. They're so hideous I could never bring myself to buy them. I'll stick to my Barami Hip-Grips:


royal barnes

New member
I ordered a set yesterday and got a shipping notice today. If they work it's good. If not I'm out about thirty bucks. I spent more than that Sunday for dinner and don't remember what I had.;)