IWB tuckable for Kahr P9


New member
I'm new to the IWB idea and have read a lot of good opinions in TFL archives. Any advice on IWB tuckable holster for a Kahr P9?

I have handled neither, but am considering Sparks' VM-2 and Rosen's Workman. While they might be excellent for a Commander (heavy) or Glock (thick), are they a good match or overkill for a P9? Adding an extra pound and an inch thickness could defeat the P9's advantages. Or are these things thin, light and an excellent match for a P9? Is the Blade-Tech UCH or anything else a better match? Of the VM-2 and Workman, any preferences for ease of use, comfort?

How about good useable belts? Rosen and Sparks ask $95 and $70 respectively. There must be better ones for cheaper. And again, are these overkill? A 2 lb belt to hide a 1 lb gun.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.


New member
I've got a Milt Sparks VM-2 for my Kahr MK9. It's a good holster. On the downside, attaching the holster to your pants and tucking in your shirt is somewhat time consuming. You do have to blouse your shirt a bit to hide the bulge. I find Rusty Sherrick's IWB holster to be more comfortable than the VM-2, but it isn't tuckable.

I've seen Rosen's work -- they looked great. I've know a couple people who have Mitch Rosen holsters who both agreed that they liked the holsters but didn't like dealing with Mr. Rosen. And his prices are high and waits long.

You do need a good belt. My favorite belts and holsters are from Lou Alessi. You can see his work at http://www.rfholsters.com. His e-mail is lfalessi@cs.com, IIRC.

Running a close second are holsters from Rusty Sherrick: http://www.c-rusty.com

Don't get me wrong, Mitch Rosen makes good holsters. But I think you can get just as good quality elsewhere for less money and less aggravation.



New member
Welcome MRN.... I have a P9 as well, and I've been looking at either the UnderCover or the ShirtTucker from http://www.comp-tac.com/ Another one you may wanna look at is the FIST line www.fist-inc.com . I agree with you that having a .90" wide, 16oz pistol is pointless in a big thick holster.

As far as belts go, I'm fairly happy with my Bianchi B5 that I bought from www.wholesalehunter.com for $30.00. The quality is no where NEAR what one of these great custom leather magicians offer, but for the P9, I don't think I need all that. If I had found them before I bought my belt, I'd have bought an Aker, www.akerleather.com which is also around the $30 mark, with a polymer stiffener.


New member
If your concerned about IWB being too thick or heavy, go the route I did. I carry a K9 (all steel) in an Uncle Mikes nylon IWB that is very thin and light but does a very good job of concealment with comfort. I like nice leather as well as the next guy but if its IWB you can't appreciate it anyway.




New member
Having just recently purchased both a Kahr P9 and a U.C.H "Ultimate Concealment Holster" from Blade-tech, I'll give you my opinion. I am also looking for a tuckable holster and for me the U.C.H. isn't it. Don't get me wrong though, it is an excellant holster, it just doesn't work for me. I have a Milt Sparks "VM-2" for a P7M8 that wears much better. The problem lies with the belt or pants gripper adding to the thickness of the holster. The setup with the VM-2 with the grippers being both in front of and behind the holstered gun is a big improvement. Some of my problem could be the "compact spare tire" that I'm carrying around my waist. I also tried a Springbok "Total Cover" for my P7M8 and it suffered from the same problem, too thick. I am considering getting another VM-2 for the P9 or trying the "TCH" from Comp-Tac.

Good luck!


Staff Alumnus
You can't go wrong with the VM 2. Milt Sparks holsters are every bit as good in quality as Rosens but provide much better customer service. I own several Rosen holsters but now mainly buy Sparks, Alessi and Sherrick holsters.


New member
I've been using the Uncle Mike's IWB to carry my P9 while I decide on the best "quality" holster. It works okay, and it was great to spend $10 to decide if I liked a particular mode of carry before I spent $60 or more to find that I DIDN'T, but sometimes, like when I first get out of the car and walk, it feels like the pistol's gonna fall right out of my pants! It hasn't yet, but it sure doesn't make one feel comfortable when you're in the Wally World parking lot, with others around, and you think your favorite piece is about to hit PAVEMENT!


New member
I guess te VM2 is the way to go. If the UHC (a workman clone) is too thick, then maybe a workman might be too thick too. $200 for a slimline version is a little steep for my budget. But they sure look nice.

The hassle putting the VM-2 on/off might bug me too. Guess I have to start somewhere, and that ain't a bad place to start.

Thanks for the opinions.

Walt Sherrill

New member
If you're looking for a tuckable and want a reasonable price for a hand-made, fitted holster, try:


I've got two of his holsters, and one of them is a tuckable. I think you'll be hard-pressed to find better holsters for anywhere near the price. Check out his "Undercover" model, under the IWB category. Nice holster. Mine is a variant of that.

Expect a 8-12 week turnaround, though. (He's a good guy to do business with.)