IWB Holster recommendation

Para Bellum

New member
Hi there,

after trying and buyin nearly all, I want to share my experience with you:

I have been carrying a Glock 26 in a Milt Sparks Versa Max II 24/7 for a year now. I work with suit and shirt and nobody sees my gun and I forget that I carry it.

Now, I wanted to carry the Glock 19 since I like it best of all handguns. So I ordered another Milt Sparks Versa Max II, this time for the Glock 19. I got it the other day and carried it 48hrs yet. IT IS PERFECT!

The only downside with Milt Sparks is that their fax doesn't work, they dont react to E-Mail and you have to wait 20 weeks for a holster. You have to contact them on the phone or by "real" paper mail. But - hey - that was worth it!



New member
I agree 100%. I have tried a lot of different means of carry and holsters over the years and I just got the new VM-2HS about two weeks ago and it is the most comfortable carry I have ever tried. I don't feel it on most of the time and I carry a Ruger P97. They are great! :)


New member
I have and use a couple of VMII's. They are very comfortable, but I find them to be slightly less concealable, especially in the summer, than my Blade Techs, due to the forward snap being to far forward on me, and it can be visible with certain shirts, or when reaching for something in my pocket. Another issue for me in the summer is they are leather. I sweat like a pig and kydex works better when wet. Right now, the Sparks and Blade Tech's are my favorites.


New member
I agree 100%. I have tried a lot of different means of carry and holsters over the years and I just got the new VM-2HS about two weeks ago and it is the most comfortable carry I have ever tried. I don't feel it on most of the time and I carry a Ruger P97. They are great!

I carry using either a pair of Galco OWB holsters or Bianchi IWB holsters for both my Smith 637 and my Glock 22. Both the Galco and Bianchi are fine holsters and do the job that I expect them to do. With that said, is a Milt Sparks really worth the extra money and wait time? Trust me, I'd love to own a Milt Sparks but can't justify to myself that they are worth the price.

I'd love to hear some reasons why a Milt Sparks is worth it and what does it do that a Bianchi or Galco won't? I'm not doubting anyones choice in holsters here, I'm just looking for some experienced opinions.


New member
Kreyzhorse, its the design of this particular holster that I like and works better for me than any other holster I've tried. I haven't found any other holsters that was designed exactly like this one. It might not work for you, but for me, it is well worth the extra cost in comfort. I carry full time and with the same gun, so comfort means a lot to me.


New member
Milt Sparks holsters really are not all that expensive compared to a number of the others, including Galco, and you dont always have to wait. Depending on model of gun, some places have them on a pretty regular basis if you keep a track on them.

I've used a number of Galco holsters over the years, and still do occasionally, but not belt holsters. My little "Executive" cost a good bit more than most of my other holsters, including my VMII's.

I've also tried pretty much every major named maker out there, and a few not so well known. The quality and comfort of the VMII is hard to beat. Is it any better than any of the others? You'll have to make that decision, we all have different likes. I've made mine for now, but I went through a LOT of other holsters before I got here.

Personally, I think the best all around holster for daily, year round use, is the Blade Tech IWB. Its about half the cost of the VMII and many of the others and will last a lot longer and protect your gun from you and you from your gun better. Just before I bought my first, I was going through about two Galco Royal Guards a year, my first Blade Tech lasted 10 years of daily use before it was retired. I still have it and it still works like the day I first got it. I changed guns a few years back and they got their own BT IWB's. They each also got a VMII. One thing nice about SIG's, you can use the same holster for a number of models. :)


New member
I have been carrying my main carry weapon, a Wilson Stainless Professional, for about 2 years now in my VM2. It carries this fairly heavy gun very well and is superbly comfortable, especially for extended carry. The wife and I drove from Texas to Fort Benning, GA to see my son earn his paratrooper wings, last summer. If I remember correctly, it was an 18 hour ride with several leg stretching stops and a few for food as well. When I got to the hotel, I had almost forgotten I had the gun on. Here it is with the Don Hume double mag iwb pouch I have for it.



XD 45

New member
any experience with a galco sky ops holster. Thinking of getting one for my carry weapon. I need one for a shirt and jeans and possibly suit. But most time it will be jeans and a t but sometimes a polo. so if any reccomendations on holster lay them on me


New member
I have a Comptac C-TAC which I lined the back with Moleskin (the foot blister stuff, no dead moles needed! ;)) for my M&P9c. It is comfortable, has good (and adjustable) retention and holds it tight to my body.

hs driver

New member
mlandman, how long have you had the Comptac C-TAC? I am thinking to get one, but I noticed that they only have a one year warranty. The main leather manufactureres have lifetime warranties.